A bank for Switzerland

Start saving early for retirement, and you’ll be happy as a child in old age.

Where are you with your retirement planning?

I’m looking for the right solution to start saving for retirement.

Excellent – the sooner, the better. With time, even small amounts can grow into major sums. And best of all: paying into pillar 3a also means paying less tax.

How can I grow my retirement savings?

If you invest your retirement savings, you stand to benefit from higher potential returns in the long term. It also pays to open several 3a accounts early to save tax on withdrawals.

When can I withdraw my pension capital early?

You can withdraw your pension capital early in the following circumstances: when starting your own business, when moving out of Switzerland and to finance your own home.

Will I have enough money when I retire?

There are many things to consider as retirement nears – from possible tax optimization to a payout plan that suits you. We would be happy to draw up a concrete plan of action with you and answer your questions about retirement.


You ask, we answer

It pays to start saving early for retirement

Are you aware of all the ways you can optimize your retirement savings?

Eine ältere Frau sitzt im Wohnzimmer und informiert sich über eine Vorsorgeberatung auf Ihrem Tablet.

Get the most out of your retirement savings. Talk to one of our specialists. We’ll help you plan for a worry-free future. Get answers to your questions, for example:

  • How can I best plan my retirement to save on taxes?
  • How can I invest my pension capital to get higher returns?
  • Will I have enough money when I retire?