UBS Colombia
Our milestones
In 1968, Schweizerischer Bankverein (SBV) also known as Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC), opens its offices in Bogotá, Colombia. Later during 1970, Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft (SBG) also known as The Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), opens its offices in Bogotá, Colombia. Fast forward eighteen years, in 1998, a merger between SBC and SBG or The Union Bank of Switzerland and creation of UBS AG is made. November 1998, the license for the opening of the representative office for UBS AG in Colombia is obtained. Finally during march of 2016, the license of the representative office is extended to UBS Switzerland AG.
Investment views and financial market data

About us
We want to create superior value for our clients, shareholders and employees. And we want to stand out as a winner in our industry: for our expertise, advice and execution, our contribution to society, our work environment, and our business success.