Climate-friendly properties

Did you know that...?

…investments in the insulation of buildings older than 30 years usually pay off quickly in financial terms?

For the majority of energy renovations, a combination of improved insulation and a switch to a CO2-neutral heating system is the optimal approach – from both an environmental and financial perspective.

…a solar heating system covering around 20 m2 of a roof surface will meet 80 percent of the annual electricity requirements of a family of four living in an average single-family home?

And just 4 m2 of solar collectors in combination with a water storage tank will meet more than half the annual hot-water needs of a family of four.

Our products

UBS Mortgage Green

0.40% interest rate reduction now on your energy-efficient property through UBS with one of the following energy-certification: Minergie® or GEAK certification Class A/B standard.

UBS Mortgage Energy

Enjoy attractive interest rate conditions when you replace your fossil fuel heating system with a more energy-efficient equivalent or install solar collectors or a photovoltaic system.

UBS Mortgage Renovation

Preferential interest rate for your renovation project and an additional eco-bonus of 0.30% if the construction work is to improve energy efficiency or leads to a Minergie® certificate or GEAK® certificate of class A or B.

A climate-friendly renovation is worth it

Calculate your property’s estimated energy use and renovation requirements as well as its CO2 emissions free of charge in just a few steps.

Exemplary result of the calculator

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  • You decide on how you would like to receive expert advice - whether by video call from home or in one of our branches

Discover our guide to a climate-friendly renovation

  • Step by step to a climate-friendly home
  • Tips and evaluations from energy experts, architects, builders and federal authorities
  • Special offers UBS Mortgage Energy and UBS Mortgage Renovation

Also of interest to you

Live in a more climate-friendly way and benefit

UBS in Switzerland offers a broad range of advisory services and products to help you have a sustainable impact.