UBS Indonesia

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Investment Bank

UBS Investment Bank provides corporate, institutional and wealth management clients with expert advice, innovative solutions, execution and comprehensive access to international capital markets.

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UBS in Indonesia

Headquartered in Zurich and Basel, UBS is a global firm providing financial services to private, corporate and institutional clients. We are present in all major financial centers and have offices in over 50 markets. In Indonesia, we have shareholdings in a locally licensed securities company, PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia. PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia (formerly PT UBS Securities Indonesia) was established as PT Aksara Kencana by virtue of Deed No. 9 of notary public Adlan Yulizar, S.H. dated July 5, 1982. This deed was approved by the Minister of Justice under decree No. C2-4713-HT01-01.TH.83 dated June 25, 1983. PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia is engaged in securities trading and underwriting activities. The Company obtained its operating license for securities trading through the Minister of Finance Decree No. 709/KMK/011/1983 dated October 15, 1983 and renewed by the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (BAPEPAM) Decree No. KEP-145/PM/1992 dated March 12, 1992. The Company obtained its operating license for underwriting activities from BAPEPAM through Decree No. KEP-08/PM/PEE/1996 dated June 21, 1996. In providing its services, PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia does not engage in any repurchase (REPO) agreements nor transactions. PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia is located in Jakarta at Sequis Tower Level 22 unit 22-1, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.71 SCBD Lot 11B, Jakarta 12190, phone number +622125547000

UBS di Indonesia

Berkantor pusat di Zurich dan Basel, UBS adalah perusahaan global yang menyediakan jasa keuangan untuk klien swasta, perusahaan dan institusi. Kami hadir di semua pusat keuangan utama dan memiliki kantor di lebih dari 50 negara dan lokasi. Di Indonesia, kami memiliki saham di perusahaan efek berlisensi lokal, PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia. PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia (dahulu PT UBS Securities Indonesia) didirikan dengan nama PT Aksara Kencana dengan Akta No. 9 tanggal 5 Juli 1982 yang dibuat di hadapan Notaris Adlan Yulizar, S.H. Akta ini telah disetujui oleh Menteri Kehakiman melalui suratnya No. C2-4713-HT01-01.TH.83 tanggal 25 Juni 1983. PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia bergerak di bidang perantara pedagang efek dan penjamin emisi efek. Perusahaan memperoleh izin usaha untuk kegiatan perdagangan efek dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No. 709/KMK/011/1983 tanggal 15 Oktober 1983, yang diperbaharui kembali dengan Surat Keputusan Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal (BAPEPAM) No. KEP-145/PM/1992 tanggal 12 Maret 1992. Perusahaan memperoleh izin usaha untuk kegiatan penjaminan emisi dari BAPEPAM dengan surat No. KEP-08/PM/PEE/1996 tanggal 21 Juni 1996. Dalam memberikan layanan nya, PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia tidak melakukan pemberian layanan atas Transaksi Repurchase Agreement (REPO). PT UBS Sekuritas Indonesia berlokasi di Jakarta dengan alamat di Sequis Tower Level 22 unit 22-1, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.71 SCBD Lot 11B, Jakarta 12190, telepon: +622125547000

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We want to create superior value for our clients, shareholders and employees. And we want to stand out as a winner in our industry: for our expertise, advice and execution, our contribution to society, our work environment, and our business success.

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