Fixed-rate mortgage

A fixed-rate mortgage gives you cost certainty and planning reliability thanks to fixed interest rates.

Your benefits with a fixed-rate mortgage

  • Costs that can be planned

    Thanks to a fixed interest rate, your interest costs are the same each month.

  • Secure an attractive interest rate

    You can fix an attractive interest rate for the entire duration.

  • Short or long term

    Choose a duration between 2 and 10 years.

Fixed-rate mortgage: key points in brief

Taking out a fixed-rate mortgage is worthwhile when interest rates are low and you expected them to rise. The fixed interest rate allows you to plan your budget reliably.

  • For all types of properties in Switzerland
  • Fixed interest rate
  • Duration of 2 to 10 years
  • Interest rate can be fixed up to 12 months in advance
  • The interest rate risk can be reduced by combining several fixed-rate mortgages with different durations.

Get expert advice on your personal situation

Our advisers look forward to hearing from you.

  • Personalized advice
  • Fast turnaround times for financial confirmations
  • You decide on how you would like to receive expert advice - whether by video call from home or in one of our branches


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