Pillar 3a tax calculator

You benefit twofold when you pay into pillar 3a. You prepare for retirement and reduce your tax burden. Calculate how much you can save on taxes.

How much can you save on taxes?

Pillar 3a: Save more than taxes

Saving on taxes is a good reason to have a pillar 3a pension account – but by no means the only reason. You also get:

  • More financial security in retirement;
  • More flexible withdrawal options up to five years after you’ve reached the AHV retirement age;
  • Seed capital for becoming self-employed or planning to emigrate.

When is the right time to save for your retirement? Right now!

  1. 01

    Define your risk profile

    Answer just a few questions to find out which 3a pension solution suits you best.

  2. 02

    Discover our recommendations

    We propose different pension solutions and you choose the one that suits you and the way you live your life.

  3. 03

    Open your 3a pension solution

    Open the 3a pension solution directly in the Mobile Banking App and choose how much and how often you would like to deposit for your future.

Are you already a client of UBS?

1 hour well spent

Our pension plan consultants will help you draw up a concrete plan of action and answer all your questions about retirement, including:

  • Will I have enough money when I retire?
  • How can I invest my money to get higher returns?
  • How can I finance my own home with pension funds?
  • How can I best plan my retirement to save on taxes?