Open a rental surety savings account

Secure your rental deposit

Have you rented an apartment, a house or a storage unit, and would you like to pay a rental deposit easily and securely? We have the right solution for tenants and landlords.

Rental surety savings account at a glance

  • Free
    No account opening or maintenance fee
  • Fast
    Fill out the form digitally – we’ll do the rest
  • Convenient
    No signature required for deposits up to CHF 10,000

It’s easy

Step 01

Fill out the form online.

Step 02

We open the account for you within three days.

Step 03

And you’re ready to move into your new home.

You appear to be located outside Switzerland

For legal reasons, UBS rental surety savings accounts can only be opened from Switzerland and are not available at your current location.

Should you have any questions or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via our communication channels.


  • Precondition: Rental surety savings account for rental properties in Switzerland
  • Currency: CHF
  • Interest rate / interest payment limit: Here are the current interest rates for the rental surety savings account
  • No account opening or maintenance fee

Move in without a rental surety savings account

Instead of having your money “blocked” in a rental deposit account, use it for something more important – to buy some new furniture, for example.

  • Available quickly
  • Financial flexibility
  • Annual premium instead of deposit payment