
UBS Independent Advisor Solutions is providing access, through the Envestnet platform, to Alternative Investments (AI). Over time, we expect to expand the product set available through the Envestnet platform to include banking and lending solutions, and investment products and strategies by our affiliate, UBS Asset Management.

For investment advisors that choose UBS as a custodian, UBS Independent Advisor Solutions gives advisors access to a broad range of products and services and our trading and execution services.

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Alternative investments

UBS’ collaboration with Envestnet, the largest independent advisor platform, and iCapital, a leader in providing modern digital access to alternative investments, will provide independent investment advisors and their clients with access to non-traditional alternative investment strategies and structures curated by UBS through a rigorous, robust and repeatable investment process across the liquidity spectrum.

To power the initiative, Envestnet launched the Alternatives Exchange, a new solution designed to help independent investment advisors on their platform access alternative investments, leveraging iCapital’s turnkey technology through single-sign-on access. This access includes a fully digital subscription process to assist advisors with compliance and provide real-time access to all investment-related documents and reports through its document center.

Alternative investment solutions offer exposure to different risk and return characteristics when compared to traditional assets, and can be grouped into several categories:

  • Private Equity - Invest in non-public companies and participate in smaller, illiquid, and exclusive transactions through strategies including venture capital, leveraged buyout, and special situations.
  • Private Credit - Invest in the debt of non-public companies, including through direct lending and distressed debt funds. UBS is an innovator in debt capital and equity-like solutions along the capital structure, with an integrated approach to debt funding that includes optimizing derivative solutions.
  • Private Real Estate - Invest in commercial real estate, residential real estate and debt while seeking value through operational workouts and price appreciation, which can provide steady income or potential capital appreciation with low volatility.
  • Hedge Funds- Actively managed portfolios covering numerous strategies, market exposures and risk/return profiles that are generally not available to long-only stock and bond investors.

Lending and Deposit solutions by UBS Bank USA

UBS Bank USA2 has an extensive array of lending and deposit solutions for advisors and their clients with assets custodied with UBS. UBS Bank USA provides loans designed to meet the needs off sophisticated family offices, HNW, UHNW, and mass affluent individuals.

Offerings include:

  • Deposit solutions: UBS Core Savings, Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and the automatic sweep of cash balances from a UBS securities account to deposits at UBS Bank USA – all FDIC insured up to applicable limits.
  • Lending solutions: Securities-backed lending, tailored lending solutions, residential and commercial mortgage loans, and credit cards

UBS Brokerage, Custody & Execution Services

As a leading financial institution, UBS provides investment research, efficient execution, a creative approach to developing products and comprehensive access to the world’s capital markets. Our unified capital market capabilities leverage our investment banking expertise, with a combination of robust product offerings and technical expertise.

Key features of our capital markets offering include:

    • Fixed income solutions across Taxable and Non-Taxable securities
    • Equity execution
    • Other capital markets solutions

    UBS Asset Management

    Select products from our affiliate, UBS Asset Management are available to independent investment advisors through the Envestnet platform. UBS Asset Management’s investment knowledge and capabilities provide the understanding and flexibility required to deliver investment solutions that will help you meet your clients' investment goals. Skilled in traditional asset classes and investment styles, UBS Asset Management has also long been a leader in sustainable finance and offers a range of tailored solutions across asset classes.

    Solutions span the sustainability spectrum, including ESG integration, and tilts toward a specific E, S or G factor, theme, positive screening, impact or exclusion. UBS Asset Management can help you realize the sustainable investing passions of your clients in everything from aging to urbanization to the environment.3

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