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Investing under Trump 2.0


Uncertainty and market volatility could persist as Trump’s policies take shape. But we think the macroeconomic backdrop remains favorable for financial markets.

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Billionaire Ambitions Report 2024

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Sports & Entertainment A creative shift

If you’re in a creative industry like film, TV, art and music, get ready for the range of possibilities AI is creating. And see how see how to protect your work, wealth and legacy.

Sports & Entertainment The NIL playbook

The door is open for young athletes like you to capitalize on one of your most valuable assets: your “Name, Image and Likeness.” Discover the 5 key steps.

Advanced planning Estate planning and cognitive aging

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Multicultural investors Invest to advance

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UBS On-Air: Market Moves

Wealth Management Americas


UBS On-Air: Paul Donovan Daily Audio 'Time to plead for exceptions?'

US President Trump stated there will be no exceptions to aggressively taxing US buyers of foreign metals (due to start on 4 March, giving time for US companies to plead for exceptions). If there is no retreat, this will reduce US steel consumers’ competitiveness via higher import and domestic costs (if domestic metal producers raise prices under cover of the tariff). Retail consumers are less likely to notice the tax, unless job losses are explicitly linked to it.


Top of the Morning: CIO Strategy Snapshot - Latest on tariffs & the economy

We begin the week by assessing the latest developments surrounding tariffs, recapping the January jobs report, and previewing upcoming inflation data. Plus, overall thoughts on recent market activity, and views on positioning. Featured is Jason Draho, Head of Asset Allocation Americas, UBS Chief Investment Office. Host: Shiavon Chatman


UBS On-Air: Paul Donovan Daily Audio 'What tariff retreats teach us'

US President Trump (temporarily) retreated from ending de minimis tariff exemptions. De minimis rules mean US consumers do not pay trade taxes on imports worth less than USD 800. This, alongside retreats from taxing Colombian, Mexican, and Canadian goods, emphasizes trade tax visibility. Consumers would notice the cost of these tariffs (affecting food and fuel prices, or the price of purchases from Temu), and would quickly realize that US consumers, not foreigners, pay tariffs. Highly visible tariffs lead to a quick retreat.


Jump Start - Chinese tariffs on the US set to take effect, Fed speak & US AI security policy

In this episode, CIO's Jon Gordon provides an update on Chinese tariffs on the US coming into effect, Fed speak & US AI security policy under President Trump.


Top of the Morning: January Jobs report, week ahead

Brian shares his thoughts on the current health of the US labor market following today’s release of the January employment report. Plus, a look at the week ahead. Featured is Brian Rose, Senior Economist Americas, UBS Chief Investment Office. Host: Shiavon Chatman

UBS On-Air: In the Now


Washington Weekly Podcast: Tarriff timetable, Cabinet hearings, Week one recap

Following what has been a busy first week in office for President Trump, Shane recaps some of the notable executive actions, developments, and travel. Plus, we update on the progress of cabinet hearings and confirmations, along with preview what a timeline for tariffs could like in the coming days and weeks. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Government Affairs Advisor, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy


Washington Weekly Podcast: First 100 days, Legislative agenda, President Carter

We kick-off 2025 by previewing President-elect Trump’s first 100 days in office, along with the legislative focuses and priorities of Congress in the months ahead. Plus, reflections on the life and legacy of late President Jimmy Carter. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisors, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy


Washington Weekly Podcast: Government funding, Syria, 2025 Congressional priorities

For the final episode of 2024, Shane shares the latest on government funding negotiations, along with other year-end legislative priorities of Congress. We also touch on recent developments within Syria, along with highlight some notable priorities of Congress in the new year. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisors, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy


Washington Weekly Podcast: Government Funding, Farm Bill, Cabinet picks, & more

In this episode, Shane updates on several key legislative priorities of Congress before year-end, including a government funding bill, a Farm bill, and the National Defense Authorization Act. We also take inventory of President-elect Trump’s cabinet nominees, and the prospects for confirmations in early 2025. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Government Affairs Advisor, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy


Washington Weekly Podcast: Cabinet nominations, DC visit, Congressional makeup

We recap President-elect Trump’s visit to Washington DC (including his White House meeting with President Biden), along with review the known staff picks and cabinet nominations of the incoming Trump administration. Plus, a look at incoming Congressional leadership, and a review of the Congressional agenda priorities between now and year end. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

UBS On-Air: Conversations


Macro Monthly Podcast with UBS Asset Management

Tune in monthly to hear from UBS Asset Management’s multi-asset team for thoughts on the global macro environment, and markets.


Top of the Morning: 2025 Retirement Guide

With a new year underway, Ainsley and Justin rejoin the conversation to explain what retirees, along with those preparing for retirement, should know in 2025. These considerations span social security and Medicare, to long-term care costs, estate planning, and more. Featured are Ainsley Carbone, Retirement Strategist, and Justin Waring, Senior Total Wealth Strategist, UBS Chief Investment Office. Host: Daniel Cassidy


Around the Horn: Fixed Income Roundtable with UBS Asset Management

Hear from top portfolio managers and business heads from UBS Asset Management’s Muni, Taxable Fixed Income, and Liquidity teams. They share views on the markets and what they believe you should be focused on within the fixed income space.


Macro Monthly Podcast with UBS Asset Management

Tune in monthly to hear from UBS Asset Management’s multi-asset team for thoughts on the global macro environment, and markets.


House Call: Talking Equity Markets with UBS Asset Management

Hear views on the US equity markets from Jeremy Zirin, Senior Portfolio Manager of the House View Equity Portfolios, and Head of the Private Client US Equity Team, and Dominic Schagar, Senior Equity Investment Specialist.

UBS On-Air: LatAm access Spanish


Política fiscal y su creciente impacto en los mercados

Las decisiones fiscales están cobrando cada vez más relevancia en los mercados. Pero, ¿qué factores impulsan esta tendencia? Desde la presión política hasta la disposición de los inversionistas a financiar déficits, el panorama es complejo. En este episodio, Alejo Czerwonko y Gabriela Soní analizan el impacto de la política fiscal a nivel global y lo que significa para la región.


Year Ahead 2025 – Argentina, Brasil y Venezuela

En este episodio de LatAm Access, Alejo Czerwonko, Chief Investment Officer Emerging Markets Americas de UBS, y Alberto Rojas, estratega senior de mercados emergentes, analizan las perspectivas económicas y de inversión en 2025 para Argentina, Brasil y Venezuela.


Year Ahead 2025 - Panamá y República Dominicana

En este episodio de LatAm Access, Gabriela Soní, Chief Investment Officer en UBS México, entrevista a Alberto Rojas, Investment Strategist en nuestro equipo de Mercados Emergentes. Conversan sobre las perspectivas económicas y de inversión en 2025 para Panamá y República Dominicana.


Hacia un nuevo modelo de enseñanza STEM en América Latina

La educación STEM —acrónimo en inglés de Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas— ha emergido como un motor fundamental para el desarrollo económico y social a nivel global. En América Latina, sin embargo, existen enormes desafíos para la correcta enseñanza STEM: por ejemplo, 80% de las escuelas de la región no cuentan con un laboratorio. En este episodio, Kai Grunauer, Director Ejecutivo para América Latina del equipo de Impacto Social y Filantropía de UBS, conversa al respecto con Komal Dadlani, fundadora de Lab4U, una organización que está diseñando modelos innovadores y de bajo costo para masificar y democratizar la enseñanza STEM en la región.


Year Ahead 2025 –México

En este episodio de LatAm Access, Gabriela Soní, Chief Investment Officer en UBS México, y Pedro Quintanilla-Dieck, estratega senior de mercados emergentes, analizan las perspectivas para México en 2025, enfocándose en crecimiento, política monetaria, retos fiscales y oportunidades de inversión.

UBS On-Air: LatAm access Portuguese


Um ano decisivo: O que vai moldar a economia em 2025?

Com juros mais altos, inflação resiliente e mudanças significativas nos EUA – a começar pela posse de Trump nesta semana – 2025 promete ser um ano e tanto. Neste primeiro episódio do ano, Luciano Telo (CIO para o Brasil, UBS GWM) e Solange Srour (diretora de macroeconomia para o Brasil, UBS GWM) exploram os principais temas globais, como as tarifas econômicas, o crescimento chinês e os riscos fiscais do Brasil. Saiba como esses fatores podem impactar mercados e decisões de investimento em um cenário ainda bastante incerto. Um episódio essencial para quem busca estar à frente das tendências.


Perspectivas econômicas e onde investir em 2025

No último episódio do ano, nossos especialistas analisam o que esperar de 2025, explorando as principais tendências macroeconômicas no Brasil e no cenário global. Com insights sobre a economia brasileira, oportunidades no mercado americano e estratégias de investimento para o futuro, este episódio oferece uma visão completa para ajudar os investidores a enfrentar os desafios e aproveitar as oportunidades do próximo ano. Um conteúdo essencial para quem quer se preparar para o ano que vem.


Brasil, cenário internacional e as oportunidades para além da renda fixa

Neste episódio, Luciano Telo (CIO para o Brasil, UBS GWM) recebe André Bannwart (Head do Evolution & Head de Funds Solutions para o Brasil, UBS GWM) para uma conversa aprofundada sobre o cenário econômico e cenário dos fundos multimercados. Os especialistas discutem as perspectivas de crescimento, inflação e juros no país, as possíveis ações do Banco Central em um contexto global de afrouxamento monetário, além dos caminhos para eleição americana e dos estímulos da China, e o que tudo isso significa para o Brasil e para a indústria de fundos. Um bate-papo essencial para entender os desafios e oportunidades no mercado atual.


Juros em jogo: Brasil e EUA em caminhos oposto

O Federal Reserve (Fed) e o Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) estão tomando caminhos divergentes para a política monetária. Além disso, a economia mundial enfrenta um cenário complexo, com as eleições americanas se aproximando e a China em desaceleração. Neste episódio, os impactos para a economia brasileira e as oportunidades de investimento que podem surgir desse novo cenário. Nossos especialistas, Ronaldo Patah (estrategista de investimentos para o Brasil no UBS GWM) e Solange Srour (diretora de macroeconomia para o Brasil no UBS GWM) analisam os últimos dados, as perspectivas para a inflação e o câmbio, e traçam um panorama completo para algumas das principais classes de ativos.


Os family offices e seu papel no impacto social no Brasil

De que jeito os family offices estão estruturando suas estratégias filantrópicas e de investimento de impacto no Brasil? Neste episódio do Latam Access, Kai Grunauer-Brachetti, Diretor Executivo para América Latina na equipe do UBS Social Impact Philanthropy, conversa com o Leonardo Letelier, CEO e fundador da Sitawi, sobre os principais resultados de um estudo sobre as práticas de impacto dos family offices no Brasil Kai.

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