UBS Workplace Wealth Solutions Insights

Thoughtful perspectives about issues that matter to you

Workplace Wealth Solutions

UBS Workplace Voice

Our publication series keeps you up-to-date on key trends in the workplace.

Gain insights into employee attitudes and behaviors about workplace benefits, such as equity awards, financial wellness and retirement.

Financial wellness

UBS Workplace Voice (issue 1) – A benefit whose time has come

This study focuses on financial wellness programs, and reveals that employees increasingly value them and the companies offering them.

Retirement plan services

Our insights help you stay up-to-date with trends in the retirement plan marketplace and help your participants make informed retirement decisions.

For plan sponsors ERISA-Extra

Quarterly newsletter: Need-to-know information about legislative changes, technical updates and industry practices for plan fiduciaries.

For plan sponsors Insights for Fiduciaries

Whitepapers: Thoughtful in-depth analysis of fee disclosure, plan expenses, fiduciary risk and more.

For plan participants Wise Choices

Quarterly participant newsletter: Helpful education for informed retirement decisions.

Equity plan services

Studies reveal how employees engage with benefit plans and identify trends that impact how much employees value them.

Critical advice

Employees seek more guidance on equity awards during crises

Unlocking value

Employee attitudes and behaviors toward equity plans

Presented by UBS Workplace Wealth Services / Issue 4

The UBS Equity Award Value Index

A groundbreaking tool for measuring how participants value equity awards.

“Show me the value”

Three steps to help employees get the most from their equity plan.

The multiplier effect

Doubling how much participants appreciate equity awards

Institutional consulting

Insights for fiduciaries

Whitepapers: Thoughtful in-depth analysis of fee disclosure, plan expenses, fiduciary risk and more.

Get in touch

Put our insights to work for you to create a truly rewarding workplace where your company and your employees can flourish.