UBS Advice

We advise, you decide

Make your own investment decisions based on our professional advice, as well as monitoring and management of your portfolio by our experts. 

Personal investment advice – that’s what I want

I want to define my individual portfolio.

I want to benefit from investment expertise across different markets and investment classes

I want my portfolio to be monitored to ensure that I achieve my financial goals.

Benefits at a glance

  • Regular review of your portfolio with the portfolio check
  • Constant observation and analysis of markets worldwide
  • Transparent investment reporting and attractive pricing model
  • Personalized portfolio notifications including a separate section in E-Banking

Your investments in the best hands

Invest with UBS and decide how much advice you want and what decisions you’d rather make yourself. 

UBS Advice in brief

Do you want regular reviews of your portfolio while being able to decide for yourself when and where you invest? In the video we explain more about the benefits of our most popular investment solution.

Overview of investment solutions

Learn more about our other investment solutions that you can tailor to your needs and assets. This is the most efficient way to achieve your financial goals.

Because a personal conversation is worth a lot

What can we do for you? We’re happy to address your concerns directly. You can contact us in the following ways: