What stage of life are you in?

Hardly anyone follows a single, predetermined path in life. But whatever the stage: strategic planning to build your wealth in the long term and safeguard your standard of living is not easy. Learn what financial decisions are important at different life stages.

You’ve entered the working world. Now you’ll need to define key objectives on your way to becoming privately and financially independent. Find out how to achieve this.

In a partnership, you should discuss plans and wishes for the future together. Find out what you need to do to ensure financial harmony.

You’re excited to start a family. A lot will change in this phase of life – find out what you need to know.

Even the most impressive careers are rarely completely linear. Learn how best to prepare for planned and unplanned events.

When we've achieved our biggest goals in life, we can take things a bit easier. Find out which things you should still take care of.

Not everything in life goes to plan. A breakup or divorce usually has a major impact on your financial situation. Find out how to plan the next phase of your life.

Have you already thought about the time after your retirement? Life looks very different now. Find out what you need to consider to maintain your standard of living in the future.

As we age, our requirements change. Your own goals and desires are at the forefront – including when it comes to passing on assets. Read on to find out the best way to proceed.

Because a personal conversation is worth a lot

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