UBS Advice [Sustainable Investing]

We advise – you decide

Get comprehensive advice and benefit from our many years of expertise in the field of sustainable investing.

I want my investments to have a purpose

You benefit from our investment expertise while maintaining control over each decision.

Align your portfolio with six key environmental, social and governance issues in addition to financial returns.

We act based on your preferences and exclude controversial business activities.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Regular review of your portfolio with the portfolio check:
  • Constant observation and analysis of markets worldwide
  • Transparent investment reporting and attractive pricing model
  • Personalized portfolio notifications including a separate section in E-Banking

Your sustainable investments in the best hands

Invest with UBS and decide how much advice you want and what decisions you’d rather make yourself.

Align your portfolio with the following six areas of sustainability

Climate change

Companies that effectively manage their CO2 balance and energy consumption.


Companies that manage their water consumption and water resources efficiently and openly.

Environmental protection and waste

Companies with good environmental management policies and systems.


Companies that prioritize, nurture and promote the well-being of their employees and protect human rights throughout their entire business activity.

Products and services

Companies that procure raw materials for suppliers responsibly while adhering to high social and environmental standards.


Companies that are fair and transparent in terms of the compensation of their executives and the independence of their Board of Directors, as well as tax matters and anti-corruption measures.

Overview of investment solutions

Learn more about our other investment solutions that you can tailor to your needs and assets. This is the most efficient way to achieve your financial goals.

Because a personal conversation is worth a lot

What can we do for you? We’re happy to address your concerns directly. You can contact us in the following ways: