Exit Right

Is there something more you can do than hope that it all works out? Yes.

Ask your UBS Financial Advisor about ‘Exit Right.’ How does UBS help entrepreneurs start, grow and exit? Find a UBS Financial Advisor who can tell you more today.

We regularly guide successful entrepreneurs through the exit process, leveraging the capabilities of a global network based on a client’s specific needs.

From this vantage point, we find that business owners aren’t planning early enough for the day when a lifetime of work gets represented by a dollar amount on a check. As we begin to work with a client on exit plans, we often hear an entrepreneur say “If I knew then what I know now ...”

To counter this trend, we’re proud to present “Exit Right: How to Sell Your Startup, Maximize Your Return and Build Your Legacy.”

UBS is working with authors and exited owners, Mark Achler and Mert Iseri to help business owners share in insights other entrepreneurs learned the hard way. For some founders, the advice they’ll gain from all sides of the transaction table can be life changing.

Hear from the authors

Gain insight from lessons they learned the hard way—from negotiation to valuation to breaking down a term sheet, managing legal costs, handling emotional turbulence and more.

Learn about the FAIR Framework

Learn about the FAIR Framework 

Mark Achler and Mert Iseri discuss why they decided to write Exit Right. They also outline the four key elements needed in every successful business exit, which they define as the FAIR Framework.

Demystify the exit process

Mark Achler talks about the stigmas attached to business exit planning and the need for founders to conduct an annual ‘exit talk’ with their board of directors.

How to break down a term sheet

Mert Iseri breaks down the three elements of a term sheet, as well as the legal and financial implications contained in the document.

Plan for the “marriage” of two companies

Mert Iseri details what a successful integration looks like, and how utilizing the FAIR Framework sets both companies up for success before the transaction is completed.

Chart your course with a better plan

Mark Achler and Mert Iseri discuss the important lessons they have learned during their own exits and how trust is ultimately the most important aspect of any transaction.

What happens after closing

Mark Achler discusses the value of long-term relationships and how founders should think about taking care of their employees when the business is sold.