UBS On-Air podcasts

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Market Moves

Market Moves brings you beyond the highs and lows of the ticker, with conversations that can broaden your thinking about market behavior

In the Now

In the Now examines the events shaping our world as they unfold, with insight and discussions you may not find anywhere else


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UBS On-Air: Market Moves

Wealth Management Americas

Top of the Morning: US election implications for sustainability


It’s Climate Week in New York! Amantia drops by the studio to outline the focus items of Climate Week, this as part of the annual United Nations General Assembly. We also discuss the implications of US election outcomes to climate policy, what’s in focus as it relates to ESG at the ‘State Level’, and the historical performance of sustainable investments during both Republican and Democrat administrations. Featured is Amantia Muhedini, Sustainable & Impact Investing Strategist Americas, UBS Chief Investment Office. Host: Daniel Cassidy

UBS On-Air: Paul Donovan Daily Audio 'Drama, or just theater?'


China’s central bank cut interest rates and reserve requirements, eased home ownership regulation, and proposed support for equity markets. The measures were announced with considerable dramatic effect, presumably aiming to ensure China’s officially reported GDP data meets the official GDP target.

Top of the Morning: CIO Strategy Snapshot - Get Ready (UBS House View)


We kick off the trading week by reviewing the latest UBS House View and positioning recommendations. Jason also weighs whether the Fed’s aggressive commencement of easing signifies a sustained soft landing on the horizon, along with the newly in focus debate over the terminal Fed funds rate. Featured is Jason Draho, Head of Asset Allocation Americas, UBS Chief Investment Office. Host: Daniel Cassidy

UBS On-Air: Paul Donovan Daily Audio 'Scrambling, not panicking'


There are a few Federal Reserve speakers scheduled, freed from the self-imposed silence that precedes a policy decision. Fed President Bostic, talking specifically on the economic outlook, is likely to attract attention. Markets want to hear that the Fed is scrambling to catch up with falling inflation, not that there is anything wrong with the economy. Fed President Kashkari is speaking on childcare—not immediately market moving, but important. Flexible working has allowed women (who are disproportionately responsible for childcare) to move to better paid jobs.

CIO Fixed Income Roundtable Series: Post-FOMC edition


In the wake of the Fed’s decision to cut interest rates for the first time in four years, the CIO fixed income team spends time reflecting on the policy shift, what to look out for in the months ahead, and what an easing policy environment means for fixed income assets. Featured are Leslie Falconio, Head of Taxable Fixed Income Strategy Americas, along with Senior Fixed Income Strategists’ Barry McAlinden and Frank Sileo, from the UBS Chief Investment Office.

UBS On-Air: In the Now

Washington Weekly Podcast: Post-debate polling, China legislation, Government funding


We begin by updating on the second assassination attempt of former President Trump, and where that investigation stands. We also discuss where negotiations stand as it relates a government funding bill, bipartisan legislative initiatives aimed at China, along with a look at the polls a week out from the recent Presidential debate. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Washington Weekly Podcast: Legislative agenda, Decision 2024 update


As Congress returns from summer recess, and the race for the White House heats up, Shane drops by to outline legislative priorities over the next few weeks, along with updates as to where polling for the White House and key Congressional races currently stands. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Washington Weekly Podcast: SCOTUS reform, Fentanyl curbing, Geopolitics


On this week’s episode we examine President Biden’s proposed reforms from the US Supreme Court, along with an initiative from the White House the curb the flow of fentanyl into the US. We also spend time on the regional implications of recent escalations related to the Israel-Hamas War. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisors, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Washington Weekly Podcast: What’s next for President Biden and the Democratic Party?


In the wake of Sunday’s announcement from President Biden, Shane outlines what comes next for the Democratic Party and the 2024 election cycle, including what the ticket could look like in the weeks ahead, and the role President Biden will play on the campaign trail. We also examine how the GOP has been responding to the events of the past week, and recap Monday’s Congressional testimony involving former US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisors, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Washington Weekly Podcast: RNC takeaways, Assassination investigation, Sen. Menendez


After an eventful week in Milwaukee Wisconsin, Shane recaps the RNC events and speeches. We also spend time discussing what comes next in the investigation into the assassination attempt of former President Trump. Plus, thoughts on the conviction of NJ Senator Bob Menendez. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisors, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

UBS On-Air: Conversations

Advanced Planning Podcast: 2024 Year-End Planning Strategies


The UBS Advanced Planning Team has just released their 2024 Year-End Planning Strategies whitepaper. Join Senior Wealth Strategist, Jennifer Lan, and Wealth Strategist, Premini Scandurra as they highlight specific topics within the whitepaper, including, charitable giving, the Corporate Transparency Act and a few others of intertest. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Advanced Planning Podcast: Tax Law Developments


Tune in to hear Ann Bjerke, Head of the UBS Advanced Planning Group, speak with Senior Wealth Strategist, Rebecca Sterling, about the scheduled sunset of various income tax laws.

House Call: Talking Equity Markets with UBS Asset Management


A monthly check on US equity market performance and positioning considerations with Jeff Hans, Senior Portfolio Manager, and Dominic Schagar, Senior Equity Investment Specialist with UBS Asset Management.

The Role of a Family Office Expert Generalist


Mark Tepsich, Family Office Design and Governance Strategist for Family Office Solutions sits down with Seth Gardner, former COO of a single family office and senior advisor to the family's first generation wealth creator. Together, they discuss the importance of the role of an Expert Generalist and how that role truly understands the interconnectedness of every aspect of a family office, from the balance sheet to the family’s values.

How to address your company stock within your financial plan


We outline considerations when it comes to how to address company stock within a financial plan, including a review of risks, and guidance on how to navigate behavioral bias. Featured are Ainsley Carbone, Retirement Strategist, Justin Waring, Senior Total Wealth Strategist, and Katie Williams, Discovery Strategist, UBS Chief Investment Office.

UBS On-Air: LatAm access Spanish

Camino a la elección de EE.UU. - Futuro de la relación bilateral con México


En este episodio de LatAm Access, Gabriela Soní, Chief Investment Officer en UBS México, entrevista a Lila Abed, Directora del Instituto México del Wilson Center. Conversan sobre el nuevo capítulo en la relación EE.UU. y México; mencionan los desafíos en lo que respecta a comercio, migración y seguridad.

Panamá un país pequeño con una economía potente


En este episodio de LatAm Access, Gabriela Soní, Chief Investment Officer en UBS México, entrevista a Alberto Rojas, Investment Strategist en nuestro equipo de Mercados Emergentes en Nueva York. Conversan sobre la economía de Panamá, su nota crediticia y sus bonos soberanos. Además, charlan sobre la situación política de Venezuela y qué se avizora en el futuro inmediato.

Inteligencia artificial: entender y aprovechar las oportunidades de inversión


En este episodio de LatAm Access, Alejo Czerwonko, Chief Investment Officer Emerging Markets Americas, y Gabriela Soní, Chief Investment Officer en UBS México, explican las tres capas en la cadena de valor de la inteligencia artificial y el impacto transformador en diversas industrias. Asimismo, destacan cómo los inversionistas pueden posicionarse para aprovechar las oportunidades de inversión.

La reinserción social como camino a la seguridad


En América Latina, la tasa de reincidencia de las personas privadas de libertad es extremadamente alta: en algunos países llega a ser hasta un 50%, lo cual muestra que los centros detención no están cumpliendo su rol de rehabilitación. En este episodio, Kai Grunauer, Director Ejecutivo para América Latina del Equipo de Impacto Social y Filantropía de UBS, conversa con Daniela Ancira, fundadora de La Cana, sobre el trabajo que dicha organización está llevando a cabo para revertir esta tendencia en México y asegurar una real inserción social de las mujeres en prisión.

Camino a las elecciones de EE.UU.: una perspectiva desde Washington, D.C. con Benjamin Gedan del Wilson Center


En este episodio de LatAm Access, Alejo Czerwonko, Chief Investment Officer Emerging Markets Americas, entrevista a Benjamin Gedan, jefe del centro de estudios latinoamericanos del Wilson Center basado en Washington DC. Repasan el posible impacto de las elecciones de EEUU en América Latina en lo que respecta a vínculos económicos y comerciales, inmigración, panorama de seguridad, y consideraciones geopolíticas. Este es el primero de varios episodios dedicados a la carrera electoral de EE.UU. y sus consecuencias para la región.

UBS On-Air: LatAm access Portuguese

Os family offices e seu papel no impacto social no Brasil


De que jeito os family offices estão estruturando suas estratégias filantrópicas e de investimento de impacto no Brasil? Neste episódio do Latam Access, Kai Grunauer-Brachetti, Diretor Executivo para América Latina na equipe do UBS Social Impact Philanthropy, conversa com o Leonardo Letelier, CEO e fundador da Sitawi, sobre os principais resultados de um estudo sobre as práticas de impacto dos family offices no Brasil Kai.

Análises da corrida presidencial nos EUA para os mercados globais


Neste episódio especial de junho, Luciano Telo (CIO para o Brasil no UBS GWM) recebe Silvio Cascione (Head de Pesquisa da Eurasia Group no Brasil) para mergulhar no cenário das eleições nos Estados Unidos. Na conversa, os especialistas investigam mais a fundo os impactos potenciais de uma vitória de Trump ou Biden, com um eventual novo mandato de Trump podendo trazer mais tarifas comerciais e mudar a relação com a China. Silvio e Telo também analisam os ecos na economia brasileira e os desafios para garantir a sustentabilidade fiscal no Brasil – independente do resultado da eleição norte-americana. Confira!

Mudando o panorama da alfabetização no Brasil


Hoje, milhões de crianças no Brasil em idade escolar são tecnicamente analfabetas. O desafio é enorme, mas existem soluções provadas para resolver o problema. Neste episódio do Latam Access, Kai Grunauer-Brachetti, Diretor Executivo para a América Latina do UBS Social Impact and Philanthropy, conversa sobre os desafios da alfabetização no Brasil com Denis Mizne, CEO da Fundação Lemman, uma das organizações que está liderando a iniciativa Alianza pela Alfabetização.

Brasil em foco: Riscos políticos, eleições e perspectivas para 2024 em diante


Como medir os riscos políticos e os impactos da calamidade no Rio Grande do Sul? De que modo as relações institucionais entre os Poderes estão moldando a governança da Presidência? As eleições municipais vão funcionar como termômetro para a corrida presidencial em 2026? O que esperar da nova composição do Banco Central? E como “fechar” a conta fiscal em 2025? Ouça o novo episódio de abril, conduzido por Luciano Telo (CIO para o Brasil no UBS GWM) e Solange Srour (diretora de macroeconomia para o Brasil no UBS GWM), com a participação especial do renomado jornalista e consultor político, Thomas Traumann.

Queda adiada? As perspectivas para os juros nos EUA e os impactos dentro e fora do Brasil


Nesse episódio de abril, Luciano Telo (CIO para o Brasil no UBS GWM) e Ana Salles (Portfolio Manager do UBS GWM) analisam as recentes mudanças no cenário americano, com a perspectiva de adiamento da queda de juros devido ao ritmo forte da economia e da inflação persistente, e os impactos nos mercados de ações nos EUA e em outros localidades.

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