UBS Travel Insurance Plus
Your insurance package for worry-free vacations
From travel cancellation and medical treatment to delayed flights: For only CHF 98 per year you can insure yourself, your family and all your luggage.
Valid worldwide
For you and your family members
Well insured
Travel cancellation, delayed flights, etc.
Attractive all-inclusive price
Only CHF 98 per year
UBS Travel Insurance Plus includes the following insurance components:
- Cancellation
- Delayed flight
- Luggage
- Medical costs abroad
- Travel interruption
- Medical assistance
- Alternative Travel
- Purchase protection

Apply now
Apply now
Apply for Travel Insurance Plus directly in e-banking at "Accounts & Cards > Settings for cards > Travel benefits"
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Completed claim forms can be submitted by email.
In the event that you need medical assistance, you must contact Europ Assistance as soon as the event occurs. You can reach Europ Assistance on +41 44 828 31 34 (24 hours a day). For all other coverage, please also contact Europ Assistance by phone.