Free initial consultation
We plan your pension based on your wishes and needs and show you how we can support you.
Individual planning
We’ll examine the feasibility of your goals, discuss how your situation could be improved and draw up a plan of action.
Joint implementation
We’ll be glad to assist you up to retirement and beyond, with a constant focus on your situation in life.
Pension or lump sum?
Some decisions regarding your retirement can only be made once, such as how you withdraw your pension fund assets. Here you have three options: monthly pension, lump sum or a combination of the two. Your decision has far-reaching implications for both you and your relatives.
Early retirement
If you are considering early retirement, your future income will be reduced. To understand the impact on your income and wealth, careful planning is important.

The consultations allow us to produce a detailed financial plan containing a concrete plan of action. This plan shows you which measures need to be taken and when in order to achieve your goals and dreams. We also regularly review the implemented solutions and adapt them to personal or legal changes.

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