Banking package
Free capital deposits account and a free account and card for up to 2 years.
Capital deposits account
The essential account for setting up an AG or GmbH – free of charge with UBS.
Business plan
Useful tips for presenting your business idea, including a free template.
Partner offers beyond banking
Get your business up and running with our partners’ products and services.
We want to help you and your company be successful, whichever stage in the start-up process you’re at. The following steps will bring you closer to becoming an entrepreneur:

Let your business idea take off
Let your business idea take off
Our four free emails are the perfect companion on the road to becoming an entrepreneur. They provide you with all the information and templates you will need at every stage of founding your business. What's more, you benefit from attractive discounts and other offers from our partners.
Open UBS key4 business
Open UBS key4 business
With our banking for your SME, you get a free capital deposits account, a current account, prepaid or debit card, digital accounting and much more.

Get advice from experts
Get advice from experts
If you’re planning on starting a business, you’ll need feedback on your business idea. The UBS Virtual Venture Caffès offer a limited number of young companies the chance to talk to experienced experts and get valuable input – free of charge.
Striking out on your own
Striking out on your own
In our podcast series “Striking out on your own,” we talk about the steps on the road to setting up your own business and give you the best tips and tricks for successfully starting your business.