UBS Instant Business Credit

  • Calculate your credit line here up to a maximum of CHF 500,000 and use the credit according to your needs.

Your benefits

  • Immediately

    Calculate your possible credit line directly online.

  • Quickly

    In the event of a positive credit decision, we will send you the agreement within two working days.

  • Versatile

    Use the credit individually for the needs of your SME.

Who can benefit?

  • Operating company based in Switzerland
  • At least two completed financial years (full 12-month periods)
  • Financing requirements of between CHF 20,000 and CHF 500,000
  • Interest rate already from 5% p.a. above CHF 100,000, below 5.25% p.a.

Calculate and apply for a credit now

  • Calculate your possible credit line
  • Apply online
  • Receive a credit decision within two working days

One credit, many options

More liquidity

Increase your financial leeway.

Corporate credit card

Manage your expenses easily and efficiently.

Currency hedging

Protect your profits and margins.

Import and export

Protect your international business operations.

Separate leasing contract: Finance capital goods, for example.


What can I use UBS Instant Business Credit for?

Ready for the next big opportunity

Your products are attracting growing interest, and your revenue and demand are steadily climbing. This is a welcome development but often means you’ll need additional operating resources. What to do?

Protect your SME proactively against late payments

Even your most reliable customer may unexpectedly need to defer payment. The late payment of an invoice will impact the liquidity of your company.

Respond quickly and flexibly to short-term staffing needs

Long-term business success is almost impossible without a good team, which is why it is all the more important that your staff are ideally set up to deal with unexpected situations.

Ready to face any business obstacle

As an entrepreneur, you attach great value to accurate budget and resource planning. Even so, unforeseen events such as water damage in the warehouse or a sudden machine breakdown can mess up your planning. You now need to find alternative solutions to keep production and your business operations going – and fast.