UBS key4 prepaid card

Your money under control. At all times and anywhere in the world.

Payments abroad? It’s never been so easy.

Exchange rates as attractive as a vacation in the Bahamas – and no processing fees either.

Pay abroad and in foreign online stores with no hidden fees

Full control? Of course.

Receive a push notification if something happens to your card.

Top up your card in seconds.

Instructions to top up

Block your card, view current transactions or check your balance.

Fast payments – with benefits? Naturally.

Paying by smartphone is also possible: with UBS TWINT, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay

More about Mobile Payment

“Welcome to UBS KeyClub” means: collect points when shopping and redeem them like cash

More about KeyClub

This card is pretty corny (yes, really!)

Why? Because it’s made from cornstarch (PLA) and contains over 80% renewable materials.

What does the card cost?

New UBS clients

In the first year: CHF 50 per year

Then: CHF 100 per year

Existing UBS clients

In the first year: CHF 50 per year

Then: CHF 100 per year

How to get your card

New to UBS?

The prepaid card is free of charge when you open a UBS key4 banking package. Interested?

UBS client with a prepaid card

To benefit from the attractive exchange rates, simply swap your traditional prepaid card for a UBS key4 prepaid card.

UBS client without a prepaid card

Order your card directly in E-Banking under “Products > Cards.”

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