1e pension solutions

Individual pension provision in the 2nd pillar - More flexibility for your company and employees. Our modern solutions for supplementary occupational pensions.

Are you a large or small to medium-sized company? Please select the profile that applies to you:

Small and medium-sized enterprises

Stay flexible with our 1e pension solutions

Occupational pension plan offering more control and free choice of investment strategy – plus personalized advice for your company and your employees: with the 1e pension solution from the UBS 1e Collective Foundation, you have a strong partner by your side. Our 1e plans can be aligned to your needs, and your pension assets can be invested in one of our cost-efficient investment solutions.

What sets us apart

Personal support, supplemented digitally

  • Personal support by experienced contact persons.
  • Access to financial planners, tax experts, and other specialists on request
  • Secure access to a comprehensive web portal, including a performance overview and the ability to easily change strategies

Transparent fee structure

  • Consistent administration costs irrespective of volume
  • Attractive risk premiums
  • No safekeeping account fees or foundation fees
  • Investment product costs (TER) starting at 0.17% per year

Best-in-class investment solutions

  • Cus­tomized mid­dle man­age­ment pen­sion plans with at­trac­tive in­sur­ance pre­mi­ums
  • A wide range of investment strategies that are gradually being expanded
  • Attractive investment groups with a long track record of up to 50 years


Affiliation with the UBS 1e Collective Foundation gives insured access to a diverse investment offering with a choice of 14 1e investment groups. The offering is reviewed on a regular basis and will be gradually expanded.

Regulations and Forms

Are you interested in our 1e solution?

Contact us! We will be happy to answer your questions or provide an individual offer.

UBS 1-e Sammelstiftung brochure's cover

All the important information about the UBS 1e Collective Foundation can be found in our brochure.

Large companies

Individual solution. Experienced specialists. More control.

The UBS Optio 1e Collective Foundation has many years of experience in the 1e field. Our 1e plans offer tailor-made solutions - from tailored investments to the risk insurance. Structured via institutional funds in our investment foundation, insured employees can invest in a wide range of investment solutions. If desired, insured employees can also benefit from our advice on investments, pensions, or financial planning.

If necessary, we will also be happy to support you in the implementation of your company’s independent 1e solution. We can offer you access to our investments and online platform.

What sets us apart

Complete flexibility: If necessary, we can offer you a customized 1e solution. From individual savings and risk benefits, tailormade investment solutions to customized risk insurers, you can create a solution according to your needs.

Transparency: The online portals provide you and your employees with a quick, simple overview of your 1e solution.

Accounting: Our 1e solution is classified as a "defined contribution plan". With accounting in accordance with IFRS or US GAAP, this can relieve your company’s balance sheet.


The UBS Optio 1e Collective Foundation offers large companies eight tax-efficient investment strategies as standard:

CHF Short Term, Obligationen indexiert, BVG Aktien-25 ESG indexiert, BVG Aktien-15 indexiert, BVG Aktien-25 indexiert, BVG Aktien-40 indexiert, , BVG Aktien-60 indexiert, , BVG Aktien-80 indexiert

For larger companies, we offer a selection of around 300 active and 100 passive funds with which customized investment solutions can be put together within the framework of the BVV2 (economies of scale must be taken into account). Within a 1e plan, up to 10 investment strategies can then be selected for the insured employees.

For a proprietary 1e solution, we also support you in the composition of your ideal investment solution.

Are you interested in our 1e solution?

Contact us! We will be happy to answer your questions or provide an individual offer.

What is the 1e occupational pension scheme? Read a concise summary in our factsheet.

All the important information about the Optio 1e Collective Foundation can be found in our brochure.

Further information 

Get in touch! We will be happy to answer your questions.