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Overview of payment cards
Credit cards look the same as ever, but the way they are used is changing. How do you use yours?
1. Make paying online as easy as possible
When was the last time you physically took out your credit card? Did you know that 80 percent of credit card transactions are now either digital or contactless? Whether paying online with your card details, smartphone or smartwatch – a physical card is no longer required. UBS introduced its Virtual Credit Card in May 2021, which you can order in your UBS Mobile Banking App or UBS E-Banking. You pay just as securely as ever and, thanks to the new copy-paste function for the credit card number, even faster than before. The virtual card is stored on your smartphone and so doesn't take up extra space in your wallet.
2. Clarity and self-service are the priority
Are you part of the growing number of clients who want more control over how they pay? More concretely, this means having a detailed overview of your spending and being able to manage every card function yourself, such as your limit, card security functions and country-specific approvals.
That’s why UBS is replacing V PAY with Visa Debit and Maestro with Mastercard Debit. You can use your new debit cards to withdraw cash as usual, and now also to make online purchases. They can also be registered for 3-D Secure with just a few clicks.
3. Transparency about payments abroad
Do you sometimes order products from abroad? Half of all online purchases today are made in a foreign shop – meaning the amount is converted from the local currency into Swiss francs. Credit cards are also used more frequently when traveling, even for smaller amounts such as at ticket machines, which often no longer accept banknotes. High or unknown exchange rates can then be a source of frustration.
If you use a UBS Global Credit or Prepaid Card for foreign currency payments, you’ll benefit from a transparent and attractive exchange rate.
4. Sustainability on the move, including with your card
Sustainability begins when you go shopping. A credit card may be small but it’s made from plastic and has to be renewed every few years. This means there’s potential for producing credit cards in a more environmentally friendly way.
The UBS Optimus Foundation Credit Card is made from 80% biodegradable plastic obtained from corn. UBS donates 0.75% of what you spend with this card to the UBS Optimus Foundation. The foundation selects programs that work to sustainably improve the health, education and protection of children and their environment, making this card twice as sustainable.
Arrange an appointment for a non-binding consultation or if you have any questions, just give us a call.