Open UBS key4 business online
Open UBS key4 business online
Account and card free of charge for one year, special conditions for foreign currency transactions and attractive partner offers to make you more efficient at work.

Get your business up and running with our partners’ products and services. Browse the marketplace and discover the wide range of offers.
Flexible FX Forward
Flexible FX Forward
The Flexible FX Forward is an easy way to hedge against currency risks and draw the required amount conveniently and flexibly via E-Banking.

UBS Instant Business Credit
UBS Instant Business Credit
Liquidity in just a few clicks. Calculate your possible credit limit of up to CHF 500,000 easily online, then apply for a versatile loan right away.
Easily add authorized persons
Easily add authorized persons
Manage authorizations for employees conveniently via E-Banking and simplify your administrative work.

Use digital signature
Use digital signature
Read and sign agreements directly in your Digital Banking.