Wealth Way

Our advisory approach to your financial serenity.

Our advisory approach: a brief guide

UBS Wealth Way is more than just a snapshot. It allows long-term asset development and planning so that you can look to the future with confidence and respond flexibly to changes.

Set goals in life

Together we find out what your short- and long-term goals are in life.

Work out a plan

We structure your wealth and draw up an individual plan along the three strategies of liquidity, longevity and legacy.

Carry out a “check-up”

We make sure you are still on track once a year or if any major changes occur in your life.

The three key strategies in detail

During a consultation, we jointly determine three strategies – liquidity, longevity and legacy – and tailor them to your short- and long-term goals in life.

Liquidity for today

Maintain your lifestyle

You always have enough liquidity to maintain your current lifestyle, e.g. for:

  • Entertainment and vacations
  • Tax payments
  • Safety margin

Longevity for tomorrow

Achieve personal goals

You use your wealth for the long term to preserve your assets whilst achieving all your life goals, e.g. for:

  • Retirement security
  • Expenses for health and long-term care
  • Purchase of a second home

Legacy for others

Transfer wealth to future generations

You define what is important to you and how you want to help future generations or society, e.g. with:

  • Legacy for your family
  • Philanthropy
  • Wealth transfer to future generations

Our clients’ experiences

Read how we have enabled people to plan their financial future in a holistic manner, and discover how we have helped them to achieve small and large goals in life.

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Get in touch with us

A personal conversation is worthwhile. For you and your wealth.