Studies and analyses
Guidelines for making a complex decision

Pillar 2: a complex decision (German)
Pillar 2: a complex decision (German)
We explain why you should start saving early for your retirement and how you can save on taxes as you do so.
Pillar 2: A, B or C?
Pillar 2: A, B or C?
We as an independent partner help you find the perfect pension fund solution for your company.

UBS outlook: collective foundations (German)
UBS outlook: collective foundations (German)
Can collective foundations master the challenges faced by occupational pension funds? Find the answer in three chapters:
- Lack of reforms and competing interests
- Experts, business models and survival chances
- Innovative tools and interesting investment opportunities

IFZ Study Pension Funds 2021 (German)
IFZ Study Pension Funds 2021 (German)
In a brief 50 pages, you will find evaluations and assessments of current trends in and around the topic of Swiss collective and communal pension funds.
- Current developments in the Swiss pension market
- Selected key figures related to Swiss pension schemes
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