2023 in retrospect
Our performance, highlights and reports

“The acquisition of Credit Suisse has accelerated – not changed – our existing strategy. We are confident it will create enduring value for our shareholders.”
“The acquisition of Credit Suisse has accelerated – not changed – our existing strategy. We are confident it will create enduring value for our shareholders.”
Colm Kelleher, Chairman

“We are off to a strong start in enabling Credit Suisse’s market-competitive franchises and talented people to flourish and make us even stronger. With closing in June 2023, we began swiftly executing our integration plans, which we aim to substantially complete by the end of 2026.”
“We are off to a strong start in enabling Credit Suisse’s market-competitive franchises and talented people to flourish and make us even stronger. With closing in June 2023, we began swiftly executing our integration plans, which we aim to substantially complete by the end of 2026.”
Sergio P. Ermotti, Group CEO
Numbers and achievements
Thriving together
Reporting Suite and highlights
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023
Our Annual Report provides comprehensive information about the firm, its business, governance and financial performance, as well as information about compensation of senior management and the Board of Directors (executive and non-executive members). It contains both audited and nonaudited information.
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Sustainability Report 2023
Sustainability Report 2023
In the Sustainability Report we report about our sustainability approach and activities, consistently applying our information policy and disclosure principles. Additionally, we set out what climate and nature mean to us in terms of our strategy and its impact on planet, people and partnerships, and shows how we’re tracking our progress through metrics and targets.
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