Examples for grants 2020

Publication «Jeder Frau ihre Stimme»

«Jeder Frau ihre Stimme. 50 Jahre Schweizer Frauengeschichte 1971–2021 (A vote for every woman: 50 years of Swiss women's history, 1971–2021)» was published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of women’s enfranchisement in Switzerland. Seven historians from different generations have written essays about what has been done for gender equality in Switzerland since the introduction of women’s right to vote. In addition, an influential woman was profiled to represent each decade. The result is an incisive overview of the last fifty years of women's history in Switzerland in German.

Humanities & Cultural Sciences: The UBS Culture Foundation provided Hier und Jetzt Verlag with CHF 5000 to support the writing of the publication.

Claudia Comte

In 2020, Claudia Comte received a recognition grant for her internationally renowned achievements. She is known for her large-format sculptures and spatial installations made of wood, ceramic, bronze and marble. Her work is characterised by an interest in manual crafts and materials. The artist combines geometric forms and graphical patterns with different media, such as sculpture, painting and printed graphics, which she stages spatially. Her works are part of important collections, including at MoMA in New York.

Visual Arts: Claudia Comte is the recipient of a recognition grant worth CHF 15,000.

Église Notre-Dame de la Visitation

The Église Notre-Dame de la Visitation in the centre of Martigny is one of the most remarkable 17th century religious buildings in Valais. The exhibition’s route through the church and the archaeological site in the basement were restored and furnished with interactive devices. Visitors of all ages will thus be able to experience the history of the site, which goes back to the second century BCE. They will receive a detailed look into the site’s remnants, the beginnings of Christianity in Martigny and learn interesting information about how the church was built.

Heritage Conservation & Archaeology: The UBS Culture Foundation supported the project with CHF 20,000.

Musée Unique, Sainte-Croix

The rich history of watchmaking and art mechanics in the Sainte-Croix region are at the heart of a new museum and centre of excellence in Sainte-Croix. The extensive collections of the former Musée des arts et sciences, the Musée Baud and the Musée du Centre International de la Mécanique d’Art are now accessible to the public under a single roof. This will promote synergies between different stakeholders, such as in conservation and documentation, between artisans and schools or for education and teaching. At the same time, this intangible cultural heritage will once more be appreciated with international renown.

Priority project: The UBS Culture Foundation supported the Fondation du CIMA with CHF 100,000.

Documentary «Tamina – Wann war es immer so?» by Beat Oswald and Samuel Weniger

Co-directors Beat Oswald and Samuel Weniger travel to the Tamina valley, attracted by the presence of the wolf. Starting at the village of Vättis in the canton of St. Gallen and its residents, the filmmakers explore the valley, the boundary between natural and cultural spaces and how society and its individuals deal with changes – and not just those brought by the wolf. The search for the wolf turns into a search for humankind’s place in this world. A place that needs to be renegotiated time and again, despite some people saying that things have always been like this.

Film: The UBS Culture Foundation supported Conobs GmbH with a production grant of CHF 20,000.

Berner Literaturfest 2020

The Berner Literaturfest takes place every other year in Bern’s old town and other sites across the region. The festival enables an encounter with around 40 regional, national and international authors of both well-known and little-known literary works. Guests included writers Jonas Lüscher, Melinda Nadj Abonji, Lukas Bärfuss, Judith Hermann and Andrej Kurkow.

Literature: The 2020 festival edition was supported with a project grant of CHF 10,000.

ZeitRäume Basel 2021

ZeitRäume Basel is a biennial for music and architecture, with the aim of bringing together these two disciplines and appealing to a broad audience. The 2021 program for this innovative festival included premières of works by Michel Roth, Barblina Meierhans, Wanja Aloé, Cathy van Eck, Katharina Rosenberger and Marianne Schuppe. These composers had been commissioned to create pieces shaped by surprising combinations of space and sound, giving the audience the opportunity to participate and interact.

Music: The UBS Culture Foundation has funded the 4th iteration of the festival with a project grant of CHF 10,000.