

UBS証券株式会社(以下「当社」といいます。)を含むUBSグループは、お客様のニーズにあった長期的かつ客観的視野に立った付加価 値の高い商品やサービスをご提案するグローバルな金融グループです。私たちは「お客様の成功こそが私たちの成功」をモットーに、お客様との一対一の関係を 最も大切にし、何よりもお客様の利益を第一に考えることがお客様との信頼関係を築く最善の方法であると考えています。




  • お客様の利益が犠牲になることにより、当社またはUBSグループ会社が経済的利益を得るかあるいは経済的損失を避ける可能性がある場合。
  • お客様以外の者との取引に関連して、通常の手数料や費用以外の金銭、財貨若しくはサービスの形で当社またはUBSグループ会社が利益を得る場合、又は将来得ることになる場合であって、それによってお客様の利益が損なわれる可能性がある場合。
  • お客様と取引を行う相手方のために取引を行う場合。
  • お客様と取引を行う相手方との間の、お客様と競合することになる取引を行う場合。
  • お客様の非公開情報を利用して、当社またはUBSグループ会社が利益を得る場合。
  • 当社またはUBSグループ会社が同一の取引に複数の立場で関与することにより、お客様が通常の取引条件と同様の条件での取引ができなくなる場合。


  • 競合関係又は対立関係にある複数のお客様に対し、資金調達やM&Aに係る助言等を提供する場合。
  • お客様に対し資金調達やM&Aに係る助言等を提供する一方で、当該お客様に対するプリンシパル投資、当該お客様から資産の購入その他の取引を行う場合。
  • お客様に有価証券発行に関する助言等を行いながら、またはお客様の発行する有価証券の引受けに関与しながら、他のお客様に当該有価証券の取引の推奨を行う場合。
  • 有価証券に係るお客様の潜在的な取引情報を知りながら、当社が当該有価証券を自己勘定で取引を行う場合。
  • 当社が自己勘定において保有する有価証券を、お客様に推奨・販売する場合。
  • 当社またはUBSグループ会社の従業員が、お客様の利益と相反するような影響を与えるおそれのある贈答や遊興(非金銭的なものを含む。)の供応を受ける場合。

2. 利益相反管理の対象となる会社の範囲


3. 利益相反のおそれのある取引の管理の方法


  • 対象取引を行う部門とお客様との取引を行う部門を分離する方法
  • 対象取引又はお客様との取引の条件又は方法を変更する方法
  • 対象取引又はお客様との取引を中止する方法
  • 対象取引に伴い、お客様の利益が不当に害されるおそれがあることについて当該お客様に適切に開示する方法

4. 当社における利益相反管理体制






Outline of Conflict of Interest Management Policy

UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd.

The UBS Group, including UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd. (the “Company”), takes a long-term and objective approach to offer value added, high quality products and services based on customer needs. We believe that “Our customers’ success is our success”, place utmost importance on one-to-one customer relationships and believe that putting customers’ interest first is the best way build customer trust.

In order to build trust with our customers, prevent unfair harm to customer interests and in accordance with relevant laws, we appropriately manage transactions that may cause a conflict of interest between our Company or the UBS Group and our customers when we provide financial services.

1.Types of transactions where a conflict of interest may arise

A conflict of interest between the Company or the UBS Group and our customers may arise in, for example, the following cases: 

  • If the Company or the UBS Group may make a financial gain, or avoid a financial loss, at the expense of a Customer.
  • If, in relation a transaction with someone other than the customer, the Company or UBS Group obtains or in future benefits from non-standard commission or fees, goods or services which may undermine a customer’s interest.
  • If we conduct a transaction on behalf of another party as well as the customer;
  • If a transaction between a customer and another party leads to a competing interest with the customer.
  • If the Company or UBS Group profits from the use of customer’s non-public information.
  • If the Company or UBS Group conducts various roles in the same transaction which leads to a customer receiving non-standard terms for the transactions.

The following transactions may be considered as specific examples of the above-mentioned:

  • If the Company or any of UBS Group Affiliates provides any advice regarding financing or M&A to multiple Customers which compete or conflict with each other;
  • If the Company or any of UBS Group Affiliates provides any advice regarding financing or M&A to any Customer while making any principal investment in such Customer, purchasing assets from such Customer or conducting any other transaction with such Customer;
  • If the Company or any of UBS Group Affiliates provides any advice regarding subscription or issuance of securities to any Customer while recommending another Customer to deal in such securities;
  • If with the knowledge of potential information regarding securities transaction of any Customer, the Company or any of UBS Group Affiliates conducts any proprietary transaction regarding such securities;
  • If the Company or any of UBS Group Affiliates recommends or sells any securities held for its own account to any Customer; or
  • If any employee of the Company or UBS Group Affiliates receives any gift or entertainment (including any non-monetary benefits) that may prejudice the interests of any Customer.

2. Scope of the Companies Covered by Conflict of Interest Management

We will control transactions of UBS AG Tokyo Branch, UBS Asset Management Japan and any Affiliated Corporation of UBS AG in addition to the Company for the purpose of Conflict of Interest Management under Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.

3. Method of Managing Transactions That May Cause Conflicts of Interests

If the Company identifies any transaction that may cause a conflict of interests, the Company will properly secure the protection of our Customers by selecting from any of, or combining, the following methods and any other methods:

  • The method of separating the division conducting the Covered Transaction, and the division conducting the transaction with such Customer;
  • The method of amending the conditions or method of the Covered Transaction or the transaction with such Customer;
  • The method of discontinuing the Covered Transaction or the transaction with the Customer; and/or
  • The method of properly disclosing to the Customer the possibility that the interests of such Customer may be unjustly impaired in connection with the Covered Transaction.

4. Conflict of Interest Management System

Transactions that may cause conflicts of interests in the Business division will be identified in accordance with the routine procedure under our internal rules etc., and will properly be managed in accordance with method of management of conflicts of interests.

The Compliance Division of the Company will be the Conflict of Interest Management Control Division who is independent from any of Business division, and will control the company-wide management system regarding the identification of transactions that may cause conflicts of interests and the management of conflicts of interests.

The Compliance Division will receive the reports on the status of the management of conflicts of interests regarding the Covered Transactions on a regular basis or on a case-by-case basis, and verify whether the conflicts of interests have been properly managed, and, when necessary, review the procedures for conflict of interest management, or the conflict of interest system.

If the interests of our Customers may be unjustly impaired, Compliance Division as the Conflict of Interest Management Control Division will instruct the divisions responsible for such business of the Company to properly manage conflicts of interests, or review the Covered Transactions, when necessary.
