Following completion of the merger of UBS AG and Credit Suisse AG, Credit Suisse AG’s business was transferred to UBS AG, and Credit Suisse AG ceased to exist. At this time however, the two entities did not operationally merge and, as a result, we continue to have two sets of operational infrastructure and processes during this transitionary period.

Consequently UBS AG is now the sole parent entity and all direct subsidiaries of Credit Suisse AG have become direct subsidiaries of UBS AG, and all branches of Credit Suisse AG have been absorbed into existing or established as new branches of UBS AG (as the case may be). As such, Credit Suisse AG’s branches have been renamed as UBS Branches, with the exceptions of Credit Suisse AG, Taipei Securities Branch and Credit Suisse AG Shanghai Branch.

Click here for the latest updates on how we continue to serve clients.

Index Transfer Consultations

Notice of Completion of Consultation

Consultation Notices

Summary Conflicts Policy

Conflicts of Interest (10.1 General Terms) – Details in relation to Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Dublin Branch, Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. and Credit Suisse (Deutschland) Aktiengesellschaft and conflicts of interest policy are available here:

Cost and Charges

In order to satisfy certain regulatory obligations, we are required to provide you with disclosure of any costs and associated charges relating to any investment services, ancillary services (Service) and/or financial instruments provided to you by Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe), Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Dublin Branch, Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A., Credit Suisse (Deutschland) AG, Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, Credit Suisse AG, New York Branch, Credit Suisse Securities (India) Private Limited, Credit Suisse Finance (India) Private Limited, Credit Suisse AG Mumbai Branch, Credit Suisse AG Singapore Branch, Credit Suisse (Singapore) Limited, Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, Tokyo Branch, Credit Suisse Securities (Japan) Limited, Credit Suisse AG Taipei Securities Branch, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited Seoul Branch, and Credit Suisse AG, Sydney Branch

Complaints Procedure

In relation to Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG Dublin Branch and Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. information regarding the process to be followed when handling a MiFID complaint, the complaints handling policy and contact details of the complaints management function is available here:

In relation to Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. information regarding the complaints process is available here:

In relation to Credit Suisse (Deutschland) Aktiengesellschaft information regarding the complaints process is available here:

GM/ITS Product Governance Approval Process

Information regarding the process followed in relation Credit Suisse International (CSi) manufactured products is available here:

Client Order Execution Policy

Client Order Execution Policy for Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Dublin Branch, Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. and Credit Suisse (Deutschland) Aktiengesellschaft. Also included, where relevant, is report information relating to the execution venues (Regulated Markets, MTFs, OTFs and SIs) at an asset class level where the above entities place significant reliance when complying with best execution regulatory obligations.

CSSU maintains internal controls known as information barriers between its trading units. The information barriers are designed to prevent one trading unit from having knowledge of customer orders held by a different trading unit. With these barriers in place, one trading unit may hold a customer order while another trading unit, including the market making trading unit, executes an order for a Firm account that would satisfy the customer order.

The following documents provide additional information for our customers:

CFTC Rule 1.55 Information

The following disclaimer relates to Credit Suisse's prices and Net Asset Values published on Market Data Networks:

Disclosure of SEC Required Order Execution Information

Public review of the monthly statistical reports in compliance with SEC Rule 605 is available on

Public review of the monthly statistical reports in compliance with SEC Rule 606 is available on

Additional information regarding these SEC rules may be obtained from or

Data Protection

Information on how Credit Suisse International, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Credit Suisse AG, London Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Dublin Branch, Credit Suisse AG, Milan Branch, Credit Suisse (Deutschland) Aktiengesellschaft and Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A. use information on people is set out here:

Summary Allocation Policy

Summary of Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited and Credit Suisse Bank (Europe), S.A.'s policy for allocation of fixed income securities.

FMSB Risk Management Transactions

CSSEL, CSI and/or CS London branch [CS] may execute transactions in connection with issuance of new bond transactions with an issuer that are intended to manage risks such as interest rate or FX risks that the bond issue may create for the issuer.

Such transactions may be interest rate or cross- currency swaps to hedge the risks associated with the bond or they may be transactions in other derivative instruments executed ahead of the bond being announced that are intended to lock in reference rates ahead of a future bond issue. Risk management transactions may also be undertaken by CS to hedge risks associated with underwriting commitments and also by investors, at the point of any allocations, to hedge risks associated with an investment in a new bond.

Such risk management transactions may be executed at different times before, during and after the pricing of a new bond issue and the size and timing of such transactions may have an impact on the reference rate associated with a bond issue.

CS will have regard to the potential impact its trading may have on the reference rate and has policies and procedures that are concerned with those risks. Any trade has to have a legitimate purpose and cannot be intended to have an impact on the reference rate. Factors to consider in relation to risk management transactions that may be executed include:

  • the timing of any transaction,
  • the size of any transaction and how any execution may be structured,
  • the rationale for any transaction,
  • who information about a potential transaction is shared with.

GTS Asia Pacific Best Execution Disclosure Statement