Following completion of the merger of UBS AG and Credit Suisse AG, Credit Suisse AG’s business was transferred to UBS AG, and Credit Suisse AG ceased to exist. At this time however, the two entities did not operationally merge and, as a result, we continue to have two sets of operational infrastructure and processes during this transitionary period.
Consequently UBS AG is now the sole parent entity and all direct subsidiaries of Credit Suisse AG have become direct subsidiaries of UBS AG, and all branches of Credit Suisse AG have been absorbed into existing or established as new branches of UBS AG (as the case may be). As such, Credit Suisse AG’s branches have been renamed as UBS Branches, with the exceptions of Credit Suisse AG, Taipei Securities Branch and Credit Suisse AG Shanghai Branch.
Click hereAll about the Parent Bank Merger for the latest updates on how we continue to serve clients.
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CS may provide various services to municipal entities or obligated persons ("municipalities"), including suggesting individual transactions or trades and entering into such transactions. Any services CS provides to municipalities are not viewed as “advice” within the meaning of Section 975 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. CS is providing any such services and related information solely on an arm’s length basis and not as an advisor or fiduciary to the municipality. In connection with the provision of the any such services, there is no agreement, direct or indirect, between any municipality (including the officials, management, employees or agents thereof) and CS for CS to provide advice to the municipality. Municipalities should consult with their financial, accounting and legal advisors regarding any such services provided by CS. In addition, CS is not acting for direct or indirect compensation to solicit the municipality on behalf of an unaffiliated broker, dealer, municipal securities dealer, municipal advisor, or investment adviser for the purpose of obtaining or retaining an engagement by the municipality for or in connection with Municipal Financial Products, the issuance of municipal securities, or of an investment adviser to provide investment advisory services to or on behalf of the municipality. To the extent you receive financial services from Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Limited (CSHKL), CSHKL does not hold an Australian Financial Services License ("AFSL") and is exempt from the requirement to hold an AFSL. CSHKL is licensed and regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission under Hong Kong laws, which differ from Australian laws. To the extent you receive financial services from Credit Suisse International (CSI), CSI does not hold an AFSL and is exempt from the requirement to hold an AFSL. CSI is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority under UK laws, which differ from Australian laws. To the extent you receive financial services from Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited (CSSEL), CSSEL does not hold an AFSL and is exempt from the requirement to hold an AFSL. CSSEL is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority under UK laws, which differ from Australian laws. To the extent you receive financial services from Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC (CSSU), CSSU does not hold an AFSL and is exempt from the requirement to hold an AFSL. CSSU is authorised by the Securities and Exchange Commission under US laws, which differ from Australian laws. To the extent you receive financial services from Credit Suisse Asset Management LLC (CSAM), CSAM does not hold an AFSL and is exempt from the requirement to hold an AFSL. CSAM is authorised by the Securities and Exchange Commission under US laws, which differ from Australian laws. If you would like a copy of the terms of the relevant exemptions referred to above, please let us know.
CSHKL, CSI, CSSEL, CSSU and CSAM can only provide services to Australian clients who are "wholesale clients" within the meaning of section 761G of the Corporations Act (Cth.) If you receive a financial service from Credit Suisse AG, Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited, Credit Suisse Equities (Australia) Limited, or Credit Suisse Investment Services (Australia) Limited, each of these entities holds an AFSL, and any financial service provided to you by these entities is provided under the relevant entity's AFSL. Credit Suisse Equities (Australia) Limited (ABN 35 068 232 708) (“CSEAL”) is an AFSL holder in Australia (AFSL 237237). CSEAL is not an authorised deposit taking institution and products described herein do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Credit Suisse AG, Sydney Branch. Credit Suisse AG, Sydney Branch does not guarantee any particular rate of return on, or the performance of any products described.
Collection and Use of Personal Data
Collection and Use of Personal Data
As a client, it is necessary from time to time for you to supply Credit Suisse with your personal data/personal information (or personal data/personal information of your employees, directors, shareholders, authorised signatories, agents and representatives, together “your representatives”) to enable us to provide and administer financial, banking, securities and investment products and services and to effect transactions for or with you. For Hong Kong clients, Credit Suisse's Personal Information Collection Statement (“PICS”) is available at and for Australian clients, the Credit Suisse Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy (“Privacy Policy”) is available at and a Credit Suisse Notification and Consent (“Consent”) is available at
. By providing personal data/personal information to us, you represent that you have obtained the required consent of your representatives for Credit Suisse to use/transfer the personal data/ personal information in accordance with the PICS or Privacy Policy and Consent as applicable. If you do not wish to receive marketing from Credit Suisse or wish to access the personal data/personal information held in relation to you, please contact our Hong Kong data protection officer at or our Australian privacy officer at as relevant.