UBS e-banking

This survey is anonymous and confidential.

Please rate us on the following.

1. How would you rate the UBS Access app for desktop login to e-banking?
Please select 1 radio button

2. How would you rate your overall satisfaction?
Please select 1 radio button

3. How easily were you able to find what you were looking for?
Please select 1 radio button

4. How would you rate our overall system performance?
Please select 1 radio button

5. How would you rate our overall system availability?
Please select 1 radio button

6. How would you compare the UBS e-Banking features amongst your different wealth management providers?
Please select 1 radio button

7. What additional features/services should UBS e-Banking have? (Please select up to three features)
Please select at least 1 checkbox

Please select at least 1 checkbox