
Time for family and hobbies

  • Have you already thought about the time after your retirement? Life looks very different now. Find out what you need to consider to maintain your standard of living in the future.

Assessing the future as accurately as possible

Important decisions must be made when preparing for retirement. How you see the future is a crucial factor.

When do you want to stop work? How much do you trust pension schemes? How does health affect your expenditure?

Withdrawing capital at the right time

Various retirement assets become payable when you stop work. They are taxed differently from other income.

How can the withdrawal be timed correctly – especially for married couples? What are the options for fiscal optimization?

Gauging financial room for maneuver

Your focus is on travel, grandchildren, voluntary activities and realizing personal dreams and hobbies. Robust planning helps you enjoy this precious time without worrying.

What level of expenditure is sustainable? Do you expect any large inflows, for example from an inheritance? What is the impact of unfavorable market developments or longevity?

Enjoy life. Spend this newly-won time with your family and on new passions. We’ll take care of your assets in the meantime. Let’s talk.

Because a personal conversation is worth a lot

What can we do for you? We’re happy to address your concerns directly. You can contact us in the following ways: