How do we support our clients?

A dedicated global team of industry experts with extensive experience across the exchange traded derivatives (ETD) and OTC clearing marketplace. We bring together and deliver key insights across market structure and exchange developments, product trends, technology, operational themes, and regulatory change. We work closely with each client to connect them with tailored product and platform solutions that meet the unique needs of their business, providing strategic thinking and balanced perspectives to help answer those pivotal questions and inform decision-making.

Sharing industry insights


Our in-house specialists bring together and deliver the key insights across new exchange and clearing house developments, technology innovation, and key regulatory changes that affect a client’s ETD decision making. Making sure our clients are in the know and can focus on what matters.

Tailoring solutions


The needs of our clients vary, but our focus is constant – to connect our clients with the products and markets that matter most to them. We bring the knowledge and experience to shape the right solutions for our clients, today and for the future.

Connecting globally


Our connected global network means that we can help clients engage with local markets on a global basis, providing timely and personalised access to the information, solutions and expertise needed.

Latest insights

Quarterly updates

Quarterly Update: Now Live

Every quarter, our in-house specialists share key insights that affect your ETD decision making. Covering everything you need to know, from new exchange and clearing house developments, to technology innovation, to the key regulatory changes.

Making sure you’re always in the know and can focus on what matters.



ETD Latest: EMIR 3.0 - Publication in the EU Official Journal, December 2024

The EMIR 3.0 Regulation was published in the EU Official Journal on the 4th December, starting the timeline for firms to comply with the new rules, including the hotly debated Active Account Requirement. Robert Mawby from our ETD Client Consulting team discusses the latest developments with Caroline Kostka from the UBS Governmental Affairs team.


ETD Latest: EMIR 3.0 - Provisional Agreement Reached by EU Council & Parliament, February 2024

The EU Council and Parliament have reached a long-awaited provisional agreement on EMIR 3.0; including a solid Active Account Requirement. Robert Mawby and Charles Perry from our specialist ETD Client Consulting team discuss the latest developments with Jonathan Treanor, ETD and Clearing Sales.


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Monthly bulletin

Monthly bulletin

Each month, our ETD Client Consulting team curates their view of key industry developments and upcoming product launches. Delivering insights directly to you on changes that may impact your ETD business. 

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Joint associations call for EC to extend UK CCP equivalence decision ahead of its upcoming expiry on June 30, 2025; China re-emphasized its commitment to expanding market access for foreign investors.

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European Council adopts EMIR 3.0 regulation, ESMA publishes consultation on the Active Account Requirement (AAR); DTCC receives SEC approval for proposed US Treasury Clearing Rules.

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China’s State Council issues guidelines for futures market development; European regulators look to coordinate the T+1 shift across Europe, including potential to align with the UK and Switzerland.


Tokenisation in Collateral Management

The advancement of distributed ledger technology in the listed derivatives marketplace, while still in the exploratory phase, has the potential to deliver greater efficiency in collateral management and the post-trade environment. At the recent FIA IDX in London, UBS’s Helen Hartwell, Global Head of Exchange Traded Derivatives (ETD) Client Consulting, joined a panel discussing the challenges and opportunities of tokenized collateral settlement across the industry.

Click here for the full article.

Transformation of financial markets

The EUREX Derivatives Forum in Frankfurt explored how Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Tokenization are shaping the future of financial markets.

On the 'Transformation of Financial Markets' panel Helen Hartwell, Head of ETD Client Consulting, UBS, discussed how digitalization is transforming the Exchange Traded Derivatives (ETD) marketplace front-to-back, in areas including customer experience, operational efficiency and risk management.

You can read more on Helen's thoughts in a recent EUREX article here.



Meet the Team

Our team members have a wealth of industry experience across a range of backgrounds and disciplines, including Operations, Product Development, Technology Innovation, Data Analytics, Regulatory Change and Sales.

Helen Hartwell

Helen Hartwell

Helen leads UBS’ ETD Client Consulting team globally from London, delivering specialist ETD content and solutions for clients. Helen has worked in the ETD industry with UBS for 16 years, with experience spanning Product, Regulatory Change, Operations and Technology. Helen holds a Physics degree from Oxford University and is currently a participant on Exeter University’s Data Science Professional postgraduate programme.

Stafani Wan

Stafani Wan

Stafani covers Client Consulting activities in the APAC region from Hong Kong.

Stafani has held roles across ETD and OTC Clearing, with experience in product development and business management roles in Singapore and Hong Kong. Stafani holds a degree in Business Management with a concentration in Finance and Accounting from Boston University.

Melody Chan

Melody Chan

Melody covers Client Consulting activities in the APAC region from Hong Kong.

Melody has joined the team as an off-cycle intern. Melody is currently pursuing a degree in Economics and Finance at Tsinghua University in Beijing, during which she studied abroad at Copenhagen Business School in Denmark.

Robert Mawby

Robert Mawby

Rob covers Client Consulting activities in the EMEA region from London. Rob has significant industry experience across ETD & OTC Clearing and broader Prime Services, as well as experience in front-to-back Business Change gained in both investment bank and management consulting roles. Rob holds a degree in Management and Finance from the University of Leicester. 

Ross Thursby

Ross Thursby

Ross covers Client Consulting activities from London. With over 10 years of financial services experience at UBS and the Bank of England, Ross’ career has encompassed Sales, Business Management, ETD Operations and Regulatory Supervision. Ross specialises in making data more insightful and impactful for our clients, as well as connecting our clearing platform capability enhancements with client needs. Ross holds an Economics degree from UCL and has recently completed an apprenticeship program in Data Analytics.

Charles Perry

Charles Perry

Charlie covers Client Consulting activities in the EMEA region from London. Charlie completed the UBS Global Markets Graduate Talent Program with specific experience in ETD and Prime Services. Charlie holds a degree in Spanish and French from the University of Leeds, during which he studied abroad at the University of León, Spain and University of Montréal, Canada.

Janvi Kotecha

Janvi Kotecha

Janvi covers Client Consulting activities in the EMEA region from London. Janvi is a part of the UBS Global Markets Graduate Talent Program and holds a degree in Economics from University College London.

Bryanne Radlof

Bryanne Radlof 

Bryanne covers Client Consulting activities in the AMER region from New York. Bryanne has worked within the ETD Industry for 15 years, with experience spanning Exchange-side Product and Sales to FCM Clearing Operations, Transition, Client Service and Clearing Product. Bryanne holds a degree in Business Administration in Marketing and Finance, as well as a Master of Business Administration from the College of William and Mary.