Money Language Quiz

What's your money language? 

Result: You're a hands-on person, motivated by family. 

You learn by experience, so dive in. Try different ways of getting involved and interactive with your money to find your flow. Providing for your loved ones is important to you, so if you’re ever at a loss focus on that. This is your north star.

Money Moves to make:

Giving While Living Kickstart Guide

You don’t have to wait until after you’re gone to establish a legacy. There are many powerful money moves to create a legacy while you’re here to enjoy it. Check out this kickstart guide for inspiration on how to give to the people and causes you love:

  • Fund someone’s education
  • Give the down-payment on a loved one’s home
  • Create a donor-advised fund, which gives to multiple charities in an organized way
  • Give a meaningful donation to your alma mater

Talk to an Advisor Checklist

  • Financial and estate plans
  • Savings and checking accounts
  • Emergency funds
  • Expenses
  • Pensions and Social Security
  • Retirement accounts
  • Investment accounts
  • Life insurance policies
  • Long-term care policies
  • Loans, credit lines and other debt
  • Trust accounts
  • Real estate
  • Annual gifting
  • Charitable giving

When you’re moving forward you may need cash to fall back on.

Consider saving and keeping some cash for an adequate emergency fund.

Are you ready to own your worth?

Connect with your UBS Financial Advisor or click here to find one.