Forward-thinking benefits

Our advisor-focused culture includes many perks you won’t find elsewhere

We want to support our Financial Advisors at every turn of their work-life path, and so we offer some of the most comprehensive and unexpected benefits and perks in the industry. Our benefits are thoughtfully designed and generous enough to make it easy for you to care for yourself and your loved ones, now and well into the future. We think this is what makes UBS the premier company to join as you take your career and business to the next level.

Our responsibility is to serve you, our employees. One of the ways we can do this is to give you the absolute best we have to offer. In other words, we think of you as family.

Essential and uncommon benefits make all the difference

We believe we have a responsibility to address the health and all-around well-being of the talented and highly motivated people who join us. We want you to thrive in all areas of your life and our holistic approach to benefits reflects that important mission. In addition to a traditional benefits package, we offer a number of perks that might surprise you to support your well-being across all dimensions of your life: physical, emotional, financial and familial.

When you have a personal problem, it’s difficult to balance your career responsibilities with your daily concerns—your family’s needs, your child’s needs, your medical bills. At the end of the day, I have the full support of my colleagues, my mentors, my benefits advisor. I’m not sure where I would be without them.
Recent UBS recruit
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Physical well-being

You can expect a robust range of benefits that focus on your physical health—whether that means getting even healthier or managing a more serious or chronic challenge. In addition to more traditional benefits, take advantage of:

  • Gympass—Stay fit wherever you are with discounted membership and access to thousands of virtual gyms, studios, personal trainers and a variety of unique fitness classes for employees and families.
  • SmileDirectClub—Discounted access to an at-home orthodontic option
  • Telehealth—Connect with a health care provider from home or when you’re traveling.
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Emotional wellness

Feeling well emotionally is at the core of who we are as human beings. If we don’t feel well ourselves, how can we be our best for others? Our comprehensive approach to your emotional well-being includes:

  • Flexible work arrangements—Professional and personal demands can be difficult to balance. We want to support you by providing flexibility to meet your personal needs, so you can remain productive and successful in your career.
  • Headspace mobile app—Free membership for you and one family member to a science-backed meditation and mindfulness tool that can help support life-changing habits.
  • Employee assistance program—free, confidential help to employees and their families, plus emotional well-being screenings for depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions.
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Financial wellness

Research tells us that the health of our finances intersects with our physical, mental and social well-being. We want you to feel comfortable with where you are in the present and where you hope to be going forward by helping you manage your day-to-day finances, protect your income and assets, and plan for your future.

  • UBS Financial Wellness—Education, digital tools and licensed financial coaches to help support you in making informed financial decisions.
  • Equity Plus Plan—A voluntary after-tax purchase plan that allows eligible employees to purchase UBS group stock and receive one notional share for every three shares purchased.
  • Employee pricing—Learn about less expensive ways to trade equities and options through your accounts at UBS.
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Family wellness

When it comes to those you love, we want to take away your worry so you can spend more time with those who matter most to you.

  • Family leave—20 weeks paid leave for any parent following a child’s birth, adoption or foster care placement plus four weeks paid leave to care for a critically ill family member.
  • Fertility support plus adoption and surrogacy reimbursement benefit—Coverage for a range of procedures and support up to a $35,000 lifetime maximum. You can also get reimbursed up to $25,000 per year for eligible adoption and/or surrogacy-related expenses.
  • Family Care/Me days—Two days per calendar year to care for your parent, child, spouse, domestic partner or even your pets if they are ill; and a ME day for you to focus on yourself, take a day trip, attend a seminar, make a personal appointment, or simply relax.
First-class benefits can relieve worry and are a powerful motivator. We want to create caring and strong connections so you can be your best in everything
you want to accomplish.

To learn more about UBS Financial Advisor benefits or to apply for a Financial Advisor role, submit your contact information to be connected with a Field Leader.

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