Amy Farrell, Sustainable and Impact Investing

Amy recently sat down to share her views on the significance of gender diversity in sustainable investing

Key highlights from the video:

  • There is an increased focus on advancing gender balance as diversity is becoming a significant concern for shareholders.
  • Engaging with companies and using proxy voting allows us to express our views and focus conversations on gender balance and leadership at the board, executives, and management level. We look at how they can improve policies and practises to retain employees at all levels and encourage companies to increase disclosure and accountability on gender diversity.
  • There are many benefits of gender equality and diversity and clear links between gender balance and financial performance do exist.
  • We are seeing a rapid change in sustainable investing opportunities. Client demand is changing with a societal and generational shift. Investors are seeking solutions that promote inclusivity and we expect this to rise.
  • We believe investing in gender balance companies is investing in the future and this is not only beneficial to society, but we expect to see more diverse companies come out on top.

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