Real Estate Switzerland
The Giessen site district in Duebendorf was completed in 2024
The Giessen site district in Duebendorf was completed in 2024
448 new apartments were created in Duebendorf
448 new apartments were created in Duebendorf

The construction of the Giessen site district is a successful development of CS REF Siat and consists of four elements: Giessenhof, Giessen Tower, Giessenplatz and Giessenlab. With 448 new apartments and a market value of CHF 335 million, it is an impressive project that further enhances the town of Duebendorf and has made a significant contribution to urban development there.

New living space in an attractive location

Located on the outskirts of Zurich, Duebendorf has undergone enormous development over the last 10 years. The good public transit connections via Stettbach station and the proximity to the center of Glatt and the airport are just some of the factors that make this area so desirable. Since 2019, 448 apartments in various price categories, a retirement home with a nursing care unit and apartments for senior citizens, as well as office and retail space have been built on the Giessen site in 4 stages

The four stages of the Giessen site

The Giessen site was built in the northwest of Duebendorf, between Überlandstrasse and the idyllic Glatt riverside path. The construction plans are also in line with the development goals of the city of Duebendorf; they contribute to an upgrading of the Glatt environs, inner densification, a demographically mixed tenant pool, and attractive «senior living». The overall development is geared towards a mix of different age groups, lifestyles and resident needs, and is a place for creativity and modern coexistence.

The new Im Giessen quarter was built in the following four stages:

Facts & figures:

  • Giessenhof: 166 apartments, realization costs: CHF 95.5 million, market value: CHF 123 million
  • Giessenturm: 191 apartments, realization costs: CHF 127 million, market value: CHF 142 million
  • Am Giessenplatz: 36 apartments, realization costs: CHF 33.3 million, market value: CHF 34.2 million
  • GiessenLab: 55 apartments, realization costs: CHF 35.7 million, market value: CHF 33.5 million

CS REF Siat invests primarily in apartment buildings in large and medium-sized Swiss cities and their metropolitan regions. The fund also has selected commercial properties that are leased on long-term contracts. With a market value of CHF 335 million, the construction of the Giessen site district in Duebendorf is an impressive project within the portfolio and makes a significant contribution to the return on investment.1

Short news:

Portriat of Samuel Egger

Samuel Egger
Fund Manager since 2013


Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Security no. 1 291 370


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