Bruno Bertocci, Head of the Global Sustainable Equities team, and lead Portfolio Manager of the Global Sustainable Equity Portfolio and the Global Sustainable Impact Equity Portfolio.

He recently sat down to share his views on the outlook for sustainable investment strategies.

Here are some highlights from his recent podcast.

  • There are a variety of sustainable investing approaches: exclusion, ESG integration, sustainability focused and impact investing, and we’ve seen a change over time in how investors think about these different approaches.
  • Integrating material, non-financial factors in your investment process can both align your portfolio with a sustainable outcome and also help improve your portfolio’s risk and return profile.
  • Impact investing, the fastest growing category of sustainable investing, focuses on investing in products and services delivered by companies that address one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
  • We are seeing rapid change in sustainable investing opportunities. We’re seeing a trend of new industries spring up to adapt to a lower carbon economy, such as in the field of batteries and solar power.
  • Companies that have not gotten on board with the drive towards lower carbon are going to get left behind. They’re the buggy whip manufacturers of today, they're not going to be around 10 years from now, and sustainable investors are very aware of that.

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