Think sustainable, act responsible

Align your financial investments with your values and demonstrate your environmental, social and governance responsibility by actively including sustainability criteria in your portfolio strategy.

With UBS Sustainability Analytics, you can link your financial goals to your ESG investment strategy, fully digital and accessible at any time.

Online dashboards available in UBS Asset Wizard. Easy-to-use drill-down functions for in-depth analysis

The analysis can either use a proprietary methodology based on a network of specialized data providers or, alternatively, can be based on data from MSCI®

State-of-the-art carbon emission figures and climate parameters (fossil fuels, implicit temperature rise)

Benchmark and peer group comparisons

Assistance in implementing ASIP recommendations

Screening for controversial business activities

UBS Sustainability Analytics

Check your portfolio for sustainability now. Contact us today.

More information

You can find everything you need to know about the UBS Sustainability Analytics and its benefits summarized here.

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Sustainability at UBS

We're committed to sustainable projects. Find out more.

'I need forests to hunt dragons…'

'…and living oceans to find the great white shark.'

'Doing well by doing good.'

«Ich brauche Wälder, um Drachen zu jagen ...»

Investors have realized that corporate sustainability strategies and financial performance are interlinked and heavily influence each other. So more than ever they need sustainability analysis that help them to form a rationale for their investment strategy.

«... und lebende Ozeane, um den grossen weissen Hai zu finden.»

Of particular importance are ESG (environmental, social, and governance) criteria. These sustainability factors have an increasing impact on companies’ long-term financial success and thus on the return of investment portfolios.