Women’s Wealth in figures – Assets
Women are only half as likely to own stocks
Save or invest? A question that reveals striking differences between men and women – especially when it comes to stocks.

According to a representative study by the online comparison service moneyland.ch, 26% of Swiss citizens say that they own stocks. But a closer look at the figure makes it clear that there are differences between the sexes: only half as many women as men own stocks. According to the study, women prefer less risky alternatives such as a conventional savings account.
When savings earn hardly any interest
When savings earn hardly any interest
For many women, their rather greater aversion to risk when investing adds to the already existing challenges of long-term financial planning. Especially when it comes to retirement planning, women are more likely to develop gaps in their pension coverage due to factors such as on average lower incomes or longer life expectancy.
At first glance, a savings account may seem a safe way to set money aside for long-term financial planning. But when interest rates are negative or low, you’ll barely earn interest on your savings. And what many people don’t realize is that if inflation, i.e., the real value of money and its associated purchasing power, exceeds the interest rate on the savings account, you’ll end up paying to save.
That’s why you should consider investing in instruments such as equities and review how you could invest your wealth to achieve your long-term financial goals.

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