Pension Planning Learning Path: Module 5 of 5

«Pension annuity: what happens if ...»


Not sure where to start? Our pension calculators help you to assess and optimize your financial situation and plan your retirement.

Asset accumulation

How much money can you save over the years?

Budget calculator

How much can you save per year?

Congratulations, you have completed the learning path

Where do you go from here?

Now it’s time to apply your knowledge to tailor your pension planning to your needs. We would be pleased to offer our support. Our client advisors will be happy to assist you.

If you enjoyed this learning path, tell other women about it. So that they too can take their wealth into their own hands.

In addition, there are further learning paths on the topics of “Family” and “Assets” which could also be of interest to you.

Women’s Wealth Academy

Women who participate actively in financial decisions increase their chances of financial security and worry less about their future.

Because a personal conversation is worth a lot

What can we do for you? We’re happy to address your concerns directly. You can contact us in the following ways: