One of UBS-AM's largest strategies employing a rigorous process of risk assessment, analysis and engagement is the Global Equity Concentrated Alpha Strategy.

Integral to this strategy, is a three-circle assessment which combines fundamental, quantitative and qualitative and information sources. This is done with aim to limit the downside through risk assessment and drive upside opportunities through engagement.

The Concentrated Alpha team, which manages a range of global and European strategies, provides an assessment of the ESG profiles of the companies they invest in. This is conducted formally every month as well as on an ad-hoc basis.

For any company that may be flagged for elevated ESG risks, the team will obtain a more in-depth analysis from the Sustainable Investment research team, which includes a discussion of the appropriate actions for the team to take. The dialogue considers whether the sustainability risks that have emerged justify finding alternatives in the portfolio or whether there might be potential in the company addressing the sustainability risks identified.

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