Follow these four steps to make the UBS TWINT App the active TWINT App that you use to receive TWINT payments on the credit account stored in UBS TWINT.

  1. In the UBS TWINT App, tap “Request or split” to request an amount from a contact.
  2. Enter a random contact and amount (e.g., CHF 0.05) and swipe the “Request” button. If your UBS TWINT App is already the default app, your request will be sent, though you can still cancel the request under “Transactions.”
  3. Confirm that you want UBS TWINT to be your default app by tapping “Allow.”
  4. You will receive a confirmation code via SMS. Enter the code into the app and tap “Continue.”

Perfect! UBS TWINT is now your default app. The request to the contact you selected in the setup process was never sent. If you still want to send it, you must restart the payment process.