Hans-Christoph Hirt
Head of Impact Engagement
Narina Mnatsakanian
Head of Impact Investing
Anne Ackermann Amar
Head of Sustainable Investing Governance
Francis Condon
Head of Sustainable Thematic Engagement
Paul Clark
Head of Stewardship
Karsten Guettler
Head of Sustainable Investment Specialists
Rajdip Ghosh
Head of Sustainable Investing Quant Analytics
PRI | Principles for Responsible Investing
PRI | Principles for Responsible Investing
Important information
The Principles for Responsible Investing (“PRI”) is an investor initiative in partnership with UNEP Finance Initiative and UN Global Compact. The PRI is funded primarily via an annual membership fee payable by all signatories. The PRI’s six Principles for Responsible Investment offer a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment practice. This includes the requirement for PRI signatories to report publicly on their responsible investment activities each year. PRI assesses the responsible investment practices of its signatories to provide feedback to signatories and support ongoing learning and development.
The PRI public transparency report, which may be accessed via PRI’s Data Portal, was generated December 15, 2023, is an export of UBS AM’s responses to the PRI Reporting Framework, based upon calendar year 2022 data, and includes all public and mandatory indicators. The attached summary scorecard generated December 15, 2023, shows broad scoring bands per module or per asset class/sub-strategy based on the PRI’s assessment. The PRI does not provide an overall organization score.
For more information about PRI, please consult the webpage here and learn more about PRI’s scoring methodology here. Like all signatories, UBS AM pays an annual membership fee to PRI and has paid no other compensation to PRI with respect to the assessment. Find out more about PRI’s membership requirements here. UBS-AM has been a signatory of PRI since 2009.
UBS Blended ESG Score (formerly known as UBS ESG Consensus Score): the UBS Blended ESG Score represents an average of normalized ESG assessment data from UBS and two recognized external ESG data providers, MSCI and Sustainalytics. This blended score approach enhances the quality of the derived sustainability profile by integrating multiple independent ESG assessments, rather than depending solely on one single view. The UBS Blended ESG Score represents an entity’s sustainability profile assessing material environmental, social, and governance factors. These factors may include, but are not limited to, environmental footprint and operational efficiency, risk management, climate change response, natural resource utilization, pollution and waste management, employment standards, supply chain oversight, human capital development, board diversity, occupational health and safety, product safety, and anti-fraud and anti-corruption policies. Each assessed entity is assigned a UBS Blended ESG Score, which ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 indicating the best sustainability profile.