
Stay your touch with your Client Advisor

New message

You can write to your Client Advisor / team via the secure message menu, which is highly protected for you security. The option is available to attach one or multiple attachments (up to 10MB) – only file formats of the following are acceptable: PDF, Text, Microsoft Word / PowerPoint / Excel

Please note: Secure messaging should not be used for placing trades or payment instructions.


The inbox shows you all secure messages that you have received from us. You can read the message, download attachments and reply.

If you wish to move any message to the Archive to keep your Inbox clean, you can do so at your convenience. The archived message will remain available under the submenu "Archive".

Unread messages are visible on the Overview page, and in the action icon.

You can elect to be notified by email or text message on your mobile phone when a new message is sent to you. Please go to the Settings menu.

Sent messages

Keep track of all secure messages you have sent to us.

If you wish to move any message to the Archive to keep your Sent Messages folder clean, you can do so at your convenience. The archived message will remain available under the submenu "Archive".


You can use this space to archive secure messages both from your Inbox and from your Sent Messages. To move any archived message back to the Inbox or Sent Messages, use the Unarchive button.