Terms and conditions

Reimbursement Level: Up to $100 per day for a maximum of 3 days

Baggage Delay Reimbursement can provide reimbursement for essential items You may need while on a Covered Trip and at a destination other than Your location of permanent residence. The maximum benefit is one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day up to a maximum of three (3) days or a total of three hundred dollars ($300.00). These maximums apply to You and to each of Your Immediate Family Member whose ticket was purchased with Your covered UBS Visa Infinite Business card Account and/ or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

When does it apply?

The Baggage Delay Reimbursement benefit applies if Your Checked Baggage and the personal property contained therein is delayed or misdirected by the Common Carrier for more than four (4) hours from the time You have arrived at the destination printed on Your ticket. To be eligible for this coverage, You need to purchase either a portion or the entire cost of the Covered Trip with Your covered Account and/ or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

You are eligible for this benefit if You are a cardholder of covered card issued in the United States.

This benefit is supplemental to and excess of any valid and collectible insurance or other reimbursement. This benefit will reimburse the excess amount once all other reimbursement has been exhausted up to the limit of liability.

What items are not covered?

  • Business Items, cellular telephones, or art objects
  • Contact lenses, eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids, artificial teeth, dental bridges, and prosthetic limbs
  • Items not contained in delayed Checked Baggage
  • Loss resulting from abuse, fraud, or hostilities of any kind (including but not limited to, war, invasion, rebellion, or insurrection)
  • Losses arising from confiscation or expropriation by any government or public authority or detention by customs or other officials
  • Money, securities, credit or debit cards, checks, and travelers checks
  • Property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Covered Trip departure date
  • Tickets, documents (travel or otherwise), keys, coins, deeds, bullion, stamps, rugs and carpets, animals, cameras, electronic equipment, sporting equipment, and household furniture

How to file a Baggage Delay Reimbursement claim

  • After Your Checked Baggage has been delayed for more than four (4) hours You should immediately notify the Common Carrier to begin the Common Carrier’s claim process.
  • Notify the Benefits Administrator within twenty (20) days of the date Your Checked Baggage was delayed while on a Covered Trip at 1-877-257-8152, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-804-281-5790. The Benefits Administrator will answer Your questions and send You a claim form.
  • Return the completed claim form and the requested documentation below within ninety (90) days from the date the Checked Baggage was delayed to the address provided by the Benefit Administrator.

Please submit the following documents:

  • The completed signed claim form
  • A copy of Your monthly billing statement or the travel itinerary (showing the last four [4] digits of the Account number) confirming the Common Carrier ticket was charged to the covered Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account
  • If more than one method of payment was used, please provide documentation as to additional currency, voucher, points or any other payment method utilized
  • Proof of ticketing by the Common Carrier, including, but not limited to, itinerary, boarding pass, or used ticket stub
  • A copy of the check, settlement, denial, or explanation of coverage issued by the Common Carrier together with a copy of the Common Carrier’s completed claim form, and a copy of the Checked Baggage claim check
  • Receipts for essential items purchased while baggage was delayed
  • A copy of Your insurance declaration page or documentation of settlement of the delay (if applicable)
  • Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benefit Administrator to substantiate the claim

For faster filing, or to learn more about Baggage Delay Reimbursement visit www.eclaimsline.com


Account means Your credit or debit card Accounts.

Business Items means items that are used in the purchase, sale, production, promotion, or distribution of goods or services (including, but not limited to, manuals, computers and their accessories, software, data, facsimile, samples, collateral materials, etc.).

Checked Baggage means suitcases or other containers specifically designed for carrying personal belongings, for which a claim check has been issued to You by a Common Carrier.

Common Carrier means any mode of transportation by land, water or air operating under a license for the transportation of passengers for hire and for which a ticket must be purchased prior to travel. Does not include taxi, limousine service, commuter rail or commuter bus lines.

Covered Trip means a Trip (a) while the eligible cardholder is riding on a Common Carrier as a passenger and not as a pilot, operator, or crew member; (b) charged to Your eligible Account and/ or with rewards programs earned on Your covered Account; and (c) that begins and ends at the places designated on the ticket purchased for the Trip.

Eligible Person means a cardholder who pays for their Covered Trip by using their eligible Account and/ or rewards programs associated with their covered Account.

Immediate Family Member means Your Spouse or legally dependent children under age eighteen (18) [twenty-five (25) if enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited university].

Spouse means domestic partner which is a person who is at least 18 years of age and who during the last twelve months: 1) has been in a committed relationship with the cardholder; (2) has been the cardholder’s sole spousal equivalent; (3) has resided in the same household as the cardholder; and (4) has been jointly responsible with the cardholder for each other’s financial obligations and who intends to continue the relationship as stated above indefinitely.

You or Your means an Eligible Person or Your Immediate Family Members who charged theirCovered Trip to Your eligible Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your covered Account.

Additional provisions for Baggage Delay Reimbursement

  • Signed or pinned transactions are covered as long as You use Your eligible card to secure the transaction.
  • You shall do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss covered by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.
  • If You make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim, and Your benefit may be cancelled. Each cardholder agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.
  • No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.
  • This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, statement messages, or electronic notification. The benefits described in this Guide will not apply to cardholders whose Accounts have been suspended or cancelled.
  • Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefits for cardholders, and if they do, they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the underwriter of these benefits and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.
  • After the Benefit Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.
  • This benefit does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims.

FORM #DELBAG – 2017 (Stand 4/17)                 BD – O

For more information about the benefit described in this guide, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-877-257-8152, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-804-281-5790.