A good pilot analyzes the situation, sets a clear strategy, and takes a disciplined route to the destination. Successful investors do the same.
To ensure a smooth flight, it’s important to study and analyze maps and weather data. You also need access to the latest information, and to constantly check, and possibly correct, the best route from A to B.
We take the same approach when it comes to investment advice: We systematically and continuously analyze all the global financial markets for you and assess their risk/return prospects. We help you to decide on the right investment strategy to reach your goals. Then we monitor your portfolio regularly, ensure it is broadly diversified, make any changes necessary based on your preferences - either independently or with you, depending on your mandate – and do everything in our power to help you achieve your goals.

1. Analysis
1. Analysis
Making rational and sound investment decisions depends on objective, systematic and comprehensive analysis of the investment markets and their fundamental drivers. Opportunities and risks must be impartially analyzed. UBS Wealth Management has a global network of specialists, including 900 analysts, whose market information forms the basis for objective investment decisions.
UBS House View
UBS draws up a clear position, the UBS House View, based on a systematic analysis of the relevant markets and an assessment of their risk/return prospects.

2. Strategy
2. Strategy
Your portfolio should follow a clear investment strategy designed to match your needs, your circumstances and your financial goals, as well as the amount of risk you’re able to bear. These factors, which we’ll discuss thoroughly with you, determine your long-term investor profile.
Continuous monitoring
During a discussion we’ll work out the right profile for you and explain the systematic process we use to regularly check that your portfolio is still in line with your investment strategy and your personal investment goals.

3. Discipline
3. Discipline
Once the strategy has been decided, it needs to be followed consistently, along with the investment priorities based on market analyses. This discipline is essential for investment success. Discipline protects you from short-term, emotionally driven investment decisions that could undermine your strategy and your risk tolerance, or stop you seizing market opportunities. The assessments and recommendations of our Chief Investment Office and our product and portfolio specialists will help you keep your portfolio on track.
We monitor and advise – you decide
UBS Manage and UBS Advice actively help you to achieve your investment goals. You benefit not only from our expertise in analysis, investing and advice, but also from our unique form of systematic portfolio monitoring: Every night, we run an automatic check of your portfolio to assess its quality in terms of asset allocation, cluster risks and other important parameters. If we identify any risks, we’ll contact you and discuss possible solutions. The final decision is always up to you: you have full control over your portfolio.

Order a free brochure now
Order a free brochure now
Successful investment is based on three pillars: analysis, strategy and discipline. Our brochure contains valuable advice on the subject. You can also find out everything you need to know about common psychological investment traps and how to protect yourself against them.