UBS Optimus Foundation

Let’s join forces to create lasting changes

Better giving. Better results.

You want your philanthropic giving to be strategic – focused on outcomes? But why choose our philanthropic organization? Being effective in philanthropy takes time and resources. As philanthropy experts, you can be sure that we have the right experience, knowledge and network to help you make the most impact in your giving. So that all children can grow up healthy, safe and educated.

By 2025, together with you, we aim to direct USD 1 billion of philanthropic capital and positively impact over 25 million people.

Our focus areas

Ensure children survive and thrive

Your donations help scale quality primary healthcare to improve the health of the world’s most vulnerable children.

Women outside a healthcare philanthropy facility in Africa

Help children and young people fulfill their potential

Through our education portfolio, your philanthropy funds support the development of strong learning foundations from a child’s early years all the way through helping young people to gain the foundational skills for a formal employment.

A classroom full of pupils

Protect the future of the planet

Your support helps mitigate climate change while supporting vulnerable communities and sustaining biodiversity, which sit at the core of our environmental philanthropy mission.

A fields of rewild flowers and shrubs at sunset

Responding to emergencies

The social impact funds for our emergency response to humanitarian and disaster aid align with our routine portfolio of focus areas: health, education and climate philanthropy. This enables us to quickly and diligently grant funding to our existing, trusted partners. It also helps ensure that the UBS Optimus Foundation can both respond to the immediate crisis as well as the longer-term recovery and transition (back to) development. We particularly focus your investment on systems that affect children and families like health, education and social protection that can help in recovery and resilience.

Emergency Response

What we offer

Why partner with us

Unlock the potential of your impact and philanthropic giving with the UBS Optimus Foundation. Discover how we customize strategies with our expert guidance to maximize your impact and achieve meaningful, measurable outcomes.

Where we work

Present in over 80 countries, your funds drive systemic and catalytic impact by working with our local and global philanthropy & impact partners for marginalized communities, especially children and young people, globally and locally.

How we work

Funded by a wide array of stakeholders, our philanthropic organization disburses your funds through grants and investments to rigorously selected and strategic impact and philanthropy programs according to key principles, always in pursuit of impact.

Who we are

Established 25 years ago, we are your philanthropy experts, part of the UBS Social Impact & Philanthropy group and at the heart of the company’s global social impact strategy.

Our impact

Your passion and philanthropic giving combined with our expertise has made a fundamental difference to the environment and the global community. But, we are far from satisfied and want to do even more, even better.

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Latest news

For our latest news, stories, and announcements, visit our UBS Optimus Foundation page on LinkedIn and follow us to stay updated!

Two women looking at a smartphone

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