Corporate attacks

CEOs and executives are targets of cyber criminals

Here are a few simple tips to keep cyber criminals out of your business:

Encourage your employees to question any unusual requests, even if they’re from someone they know or someone in a position of authority.

If you or your employees are unsure about the legitimacy of an email, then don’t click on any links or attachments in the email. Call or contact the sender in a different way to double-check.

Make sure you’re careful about the information you share online, especially details of your whereabouts, as this could be used in a targeted social engineering attack.

Make sure to change the default administrator password of WiFi routers, devices and networks. enable encryption on your Wi-Fi router, preferably WPA2. This is a security mechanism that ensures your online activity in your network is encrypted.

Backup important business files to a secure cloud or encrypted external hard drive, and via manual back ups to an encrypted external hard drive.