Sustainable land use

Contribute to land restoration, conservation, food system transitions, climate-resilient agriculture and agroforestry.

Land and food systems provide the principal basis for human livelihoods and well-being including the supply of food, freshwater and multiple other ecosystem services.
IPCC, 2019

The role of land


  • Soil formation
  • Photosynthesis
  • Nutrient and water cycling
  • Habitat and biodiversity


  • Food, fiber fuel
  • Freshwater
  • Natural medicines
  • Substrate


  • Ethical and religious
  • Research and education
  • Recreation tourism


  • Climate
  • Water quality / quantity
  • Natural hazards

Land and food systems play an important role in the climate system. As humans, we affect or manage 72 percent of the global ice-free land surface. Hence land management has a huge impact on our planet. Depending on how it's used and managed, land can be either a source or sink of carbon emissions. Changing our behaviour can not only limit the degradation we are causing, but can actually repair damage inflicted in the past. We can turn a problem into an active solution.

What to invest in now? We can support you to maximize your philanthropic impact in two areas:

  1. Landscape conservation and protection
  2. Agriculture and agroforestry

Currently, 43 percent of the global population lives in regions affected by land degradation – typically these regions are densely populated with people that are negatively affected by issues such as water scarcity, crop failure or sea-level rise.1

Due to these ever worsening impacts of climate change, the average crop yield such as wheat, maize or rice, could be reduced up to 10 percent by 21002, putting an estimated 183 million additional people at risk of hunger. And more than 700 million people, so-called 'climate-migrants' are forced to move away from non-viable areas, could be displaced by 2050. Supporting the agricultural transition will help people and habitats adapt to our changing climate, while simultaneously mitigating climate change and helping to stop the problem.

A philanthropic investment in landscape restoration and conservation – key takeaways

Soil is the biggest terrestrial carbon sink, storing more carbon globally than the planet’s biomass and atmosphere combined.
Soil protection and restoration can provide 1/3 of the most cost-effective mitigation activities needed by 2030 to keep global warming under the 1.5˚C threshold.3

Understanding CO2 emissions can be challenging. And it doesn't help that the world usually talks about them in big units – gigatons. One gigaton = 1,000,000,000 tons = approximately 2x the mass of our global population = well over a 100 million African elephants = 3 million Boeing 747 airplanes. Just to put that into perspective.

The world is currently emitting more than 36 billion tons of CO2 each year. Terrestrial ecosystems are powerful carbon sinks: Forests, peatlands, and grasslands store large amounts of carbon in vegetation and soil.

Global land areas stored 11.2 gigatons of CO2 per year.4

That’s 29% of total CO2 emissions for the decade.5

Be strategic about your philanthropy

We can help you maximize your impact in the area of landscape restoration and conservation by focusing on three strategic areas.

Protect terrestrial ecosystems at risk of conversion

  • Conserve high carbon ecosystems
  • Prevent desertification
  • Enhance rights of indigenous communities that conserve land
  • Encourage sustainable sourcing of land-based non-agriculture products

Restore the productivity of degraded land

  • Re-introduce native vegetation
  • Increase biomass to enrich soils 
  • Promote natural soil carbon sequestration

Reduce demand for land conversion

  • Facilitate transition to alternative livelihoods
  • Strengthen international platform for land use governance
  • Promoting policy coherence on sustainable production and consumption of land-based commodities
  • Eliminating incentives that promote land degradation

A philanthropic investment in agriculture and agroforestry – key takeaways

Agriculture encompasses farming activities incl. cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock. Agroforestry refers to managing land incl. growing trees in association with food crops or pastures. Agroforestry and changes in current agricultural practices can contribute significantly to mitigating climate change.

Be strategic about your philanthropy

We can help you maximize your impact in the areas of agriculture and agroforestry by focusing on three strategic areas.

Promote climate resilient agriculture

  • Teach and train farmers on climate-smart production technologies
  • Provide financing for adapting new production technologies
  • Create awareness and develop competencies of regulatory bodies at local and national level

Engage consumers and support climate-smart products

  • Support farmers in obtaining certifications
  • Promote awareness and usage of certified (e.g. FLOCERT, Rainforest Alliance) products
  • Advocate for legally binding climate sensitive regulations for agricultural products
  • Support and raise awareness around plant-based foods and meat alternatives

Advance the political debate

  • Advocate for legally binding instruments and regulations benefitting small-hold farmers (e.g. import and export tariffs, subsidies, transparent supply chains)
  • Raise awareness of consumers for seasonal and low-emission local goods